12 Lacan A Beginner’s Guide

Lacanian practice
The status of the unconscious, which, as I have shown, is so fragile on the ontic plane, is ethical.
In his thirst for truth, Freud says, Whatever it is, I must go there, because somewhere, this unconscious reveals itself.
(Lacan, The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis)
The myths of silence, brevity, and callousness
It is rumoured that Lacanian analysts never say a thing, and that the ten-minute sessions are mostly filled by silence;
 furthermore, it is said that Lacanians are not really interested in curing their patients.
It is also rumoured that Lacan even had his hair cut during a session – a story put about to suggest that he held his patients in dreadful contempt.
Inquisitions have such a demonising effect;
 two centuries earlier, baby-killing and well-poisoning may also have been mentioned.
Lacan used sessions of variable duration, and the variability of duration was an important tool for him;
 if he might terminate a session after ten minutes, he might equally keep the next one going for fifty.
Years after the end of his analysis with Lacan, Daniel Widlöcher revealed in an interview that it had involved four sessions of around half an hour each every week. 1
Other analysands at the same period described often having very short sessions.
It is likely that the ‘personality’ of each of these analysands was quite different and Lacan used the short sessions on purpose.
However, very often when he used short sessions, he would offer to see his analysands more frequently, sometimes almost every day. 2
For Lacan, ending the session was a meaningful act and too important to leave to mere form;
 it was not good enough to end a session just because the allotted time was up, especially if the analysand was in the middle of some interesting discourse.
Conversely, it may be useful to be able to end the session just at the point that the analysand says something important – so that it can ‘hang in the air’ for further reflection until the next time:
 more words will often obfuscate the realisation that was emerging.
In many ways, the end of the session emphasises some particularly important aspect and works almost as an interpretation.
Also, the variability of duration itself is important in that if the analysand knows how long the session will last, she/he can use this as a ‘way out’, either spinning out unimportant stuff in order to avoid talking about something real,
or – if they arrive at something important quite early on – then ‘burying’ it in empty talk until time is up, so that it is as good as forgotten.
It is very common for analysands to ‘play’ a set duration to their own ends, hiding behind empty speech.
Lacan saw it as important for the analyst to be able to end such a futile session as a way of signalling that she/he knows what the analysand is playing at, and that there’s no point wasting both their time.
This in itself forces analysands to be more honest:
 either they engage in some meaningful discourse or they drop out of analysis completely, but they can’t pretend to themselves to be doing the work.
With brief sessions, Lacan aimed to ‘stimulate’ the analysand, but in order properly to use variable duration sessions, the analyst must be clear about the rationale behind them.
They are difficult to handle without a minimum of talent and require full concentration on the part of the analyst and flawless honesty.
They can be a precious and subtle instrument or simply hurtful.
In Lacan’s typically provocative words, ‘With our short sessions, we managed to make a male subject talk about his fantasy of anal pregnancy …
in a time frame where otherwise we would have been still discussing the art of Dostoyevsky.’ 3
What Lacanian analysis does not do
Before we go any further into what Lacanian analysis aims to do and how it tries to accomplish this,
it is important to state first of all what it is not, and what its practitioners will not do.
This is necessary because of the enormous range of different psychotherapeutic practices
and theories available that offer precisely the things that Lacanian analysis would work against,
or that use aspects of analysis in very different ways.
Lacanian practice does not make use of the phenomena of transference and counter-transference in the same way as other schools of psychoanalysis would.
A Lacanian analyst does not enter into dialogue, except as a completely opaque mirror;
 a Lacanian analyst would not be ‘sympathetic’ or tell the patient how she/he (the analyst) feels.
On the other hand, neither will a Lacanian analyst ever tell patients what are the roots of their feelings.
A Lacanian will not point out to you that you are treating him/her like your mother/sister/lover, etc.
or that your emotional reactions have been laid down according to this or that template, or at this or that moment of your childhood.
Lacanian analysts use interpretations far, far more sparingly than do classical analysts,
and almost never (or only in very particular circumstances) by direct reference to a theoretical construct.
ラカン派のアナリストは、古典的なアナリストよりもはるかに控えめに 解釈を使用し、
A patient looking to boost his/her self-esteem, or to be reassured that she/he is really all right and just needs to rethink some of his/her ‘coping strategies’ should not go to a Lacanian analyst.
Lacanian analysis does not ‘strengthen’ or ‘support’ the ego;
 all the manifestations of ‘ego’ that are considered today to be innate human rights – self-esteem, sense of identity, self-image, etc.
– are precisely what Lacanian analysis dismantles, bolt by bolt, nut by nut, in order to allow the patient to come face to face with his/her own Subject, and at last to recognise it, on his/her own terms.
Lacanian analysis does not set out as its goal the curing of symptoms.
Unlike many therapies on offer, which promise to cure this or that problem within six sessions or ten or twelve, Lacanian analysis would never make such a claim.
One has only to cast one’s mind back to his theory of the sinthome to see that to Lacan,
symptoms occupied too important and central a place in the Subject’s Borromean knot to be so carelessly cut out,
according to some easy-to-follow pattern, in six sessions.
If symptoms disappear during the course of analysis, then that is ‘extra’;
 this position arises from Lacan’s belief that patients have free will, and may choose to be cured or not to be cured, depending of the importance of the symptom in their personality structure.
What is important is for them to have that free and conscious choice.
The mechanics of Lacanian practice
In outlining Lacanian technique, there is a point in beginning at the end – at the question what is the point?
 – for the objective of an exercise justifies its practices.
So, what is the point of Lacanian analysis?
 We cannot categorically deny the charge that Lacanians don’t really try to cure their patients;
 there is a grain of truth in this, although it depends upon what you define as ‘curing’.
We have already seen the trepidation with which Lacan approached the removal of symptoms,
and perhaps the only justification for doing it at all is the demand of the patient to be cured,
perhaps without any full understanding of what this entails.
The Lacanian analyst who undertakes to guide the patient upon this risky journey knows that at some point during the course of the analysis,
the patient will be faced again with a decision – to be cured of his/her symptom, or not to be
– but the difference between this decision and the same one taken at the start of the journey is that it should now be an enlightened choice, made in the light of self-knowledge.
Furthermore, as the symptom is part of the Subject’s structure,
the treatment can’t fully eradicate it,
but always leaves a residue – the foundations of the symptom – the sinthome.
If the patient chooses to give up the symptom,
there may be the problem of the space it used to fill,
which may generate the need for a continuation of analysis.
As an example:
 a gay man has been in analysis for some years.
His problem is that he isn’t happy being gay;
 after many years, he has come to admit to himself that what he wants is to have children, to be a father.
He disapproves of gay adoptions and thinks he could only be truly happy with a woman;
 yet he continues to have casual sex with men.
He has come to understand the source of his neuroses;
 he has traced them accurately back to childhood,
and enunciated with full recognition some of his master signifiers.
As far as the analyst is concerned, this could be the end of the analysis:
 the choice now (whether to become ‘straight’ or to stay gay) is for the patient to make freely.
If he chooses to ‘go straight’, then a whole new set of issues will arise, and these may or may not be the subject of a different treatment.
Unlike Klein or Anna Freud or practitioners of American Ego Psychology,
Lacan would never have set out the goals of analysis,
because the goal for each and every patient would be different,
and it would anyway almost certainly shift during the analysis.
Melanie Klein once claimed that the outcome of analysis was that
‘repressions lessen while the ego gains in strength and coherence;
 the cleavage between idealised and persecutory objects diminishes;
 the phantastic aspects of objects lose in strength;
 all of which implies that unconscious phantasy life
– less sharply divided off from the unconscious part of the mind
– can be better utilised in ego activities.’ 4
One wonders how she could state with such certainty the desirability of some of these effects, given how little agreement existed about the concepts mentioned:
 the ego, the unconscious, the role and functioning of phantasy (unconscious fantasies), etc.
There has been a tendency in some areas of psychoanalysis and psychology to deal with things by giving them new labels,
which allows a re-arranging of the drawers in which they can be filed away,
thereby giving the impression that something has been deeply considered and understood.
Lacan never used a new label where an old one would do
(for instance preferring to talk about ‘aggressiveness in analysis’ and ‘resistance’ as distinct phenomena rather than dumping them together in the fashionable drawer of ‘negative transference’)
and, typically of his caution, he refused to spell out simple goals.
In the formulation of various of his theoretical precepts, he speaks about the need to ‘accompany the subject towards … the point at which the objective “me” and the subjective “I” can be reunited’.
This implies getting past the obscuring edifice of the ego, which is the fiction the Subject has constructed out of its desires and fears.
He suggests that the revelation of the authentic desire of the Subject in its own words is one of the aims of analysis:
 ‘The function of the signifier as such in desire’s quest is … the key to what we need to know in order to terminate our analyses – and no artifice can make up for it if we are to achieve this end.’ 5
But when talking about the aims of analysis directly,
he becomes circumspect, preferring not to commit himself to any easy pronouncements.
In his paper on ‘The Direction of the Treatment and the Principles of its Power’, he only noted at the end of many pages of wide-ranging musings about transference, interpretation, and technique:
Thus we have reached the tricky crux of this power that is ever open to a blind direction.
It is the power to do good – no power has any other end – and that is why power has no end.
But something else is at stake here:
 truth, the only truth, the truth about the effects of truth.
Once Oedipus set off down this path, he had already given up power.
Where, then, is the direction of the treatment headed?
 Perhaps we need but question its means to define it in its soundness.
Let us note: 
1 that speech possesses all the powers here, the specific powers of the treatment;
 1 スピーチはここですべての力、治療の特定の力を持っています。
2 that, with the fundamental rule of psychoanalysis, the analyst is far from directing the subject towards full speech, or toward a coherent discourse
– rather, the analyst leaves the subject free to have a go at it;
 2 精神分析の基本的なルールでは、アナリストは被験者に完全なスピーチや、首尾一貫した言説に向けるにはほど遠く、
3 that this freedom is what the subject tolerates least easily;
 3 この自由は、被験者が最も容認しにくいものであるということ。
4 that demand is exactly what is put to one side in analysis,
it being ruled out that the analyst satisfy any of the subject’s demands;
 4 その要求はまさに分析の中で保留されるものであり、
5 that since no obstacle is put in the way of the subject’s acceptance of his desire,
it is toward this acceptance that he is directed and even channelled;
 5 被験者が彼の欲望を受け入れることを妨げるものは何もないので、
6 that resistance to this owning can, in the final analysis, be related here to nothing but desire’s incompatibility with speech.
 6 この所有に対する抵抗は、最終的な分析では、欲望がスピーチと相容れないことに関連しています。
These points will all become clearer once we have talked more fully about Lacanian technique and the theory behind it;
 for now, it is interesting to note that Lacan, so often castigated for arrogance,
should display such intellectual humility in refusing to impose rules and limits
(and remember that a goal is itself a limit)
upon the human science of psychoanalysis.
Perhaps he wished to underline the fact that it was and is a developing field,
and that over-prescriptiveness or making bold statements when in fact you are not completely sure, obscures the path for development.
None of this is to say that a patient should not go to a Lacanian analyst if she/he has a simple goal, for example, a symptom she/he wishes to be cured of;
 but if that patient chooses Lacanian analysis rather than one of those therapies that promises to cure you in ten sessions,
then it follows that the patient has already accepted that the symptom is but a creation of his/her deep personality structure and is willing to try to discover that.
The mother of a teenager with an eating disorder who was offered the choice between a quick-fix therapy and analysis with a Lacanian in the end chose the analyst, saying in explanation of her choice:
 ‘It sounds like we could either cope with the problem or deal with it;
 I think it would be better to deal with it’;
 she had understood, without being told, the difference between trying to pare off the visible manifestation of the problem or tackling its roots so that it won’t grow back.
Likewise, the patient’s goal may be to get out of a repetitious pattern of behaviour that causes him/her emotional pain;
 but again, in coming to a Lacanian analyst, the patient must be willing to assume all responsibility for his/her actions and feelings, for the analysis,
if well done, will inevitably lead to the patient’s encounter with the bare truth of his/her Subject, hidden for all his/her life behind his/her ego.
It is not possible to describe or explain the mechanics of a Lacanian analysis without recourse to theory,
and without wishing to repeat what has already been said elsewhere in this book,
I would remark that three concepts that are important here are that of the Other,
that of the formation of the Subject in the Mirror Stage, and that of desire – its objects and its structuring force.
Some points to bear in mind are:
• The ego is the lie the patient tells him/herself.
It is a fictional creation of the Subject founded upon the love of its image, and the discourse of the Other.
It is in the maintenance of this fiction that a signifying chain must be repressed into the unconscious.
The analytical process should not aim at ‘strengthening’ the ego but quite the reverse:
 ‘The imaginary of the ego must give way … to the subject in the authenticity of his desire’ 6
(and this is where we begin to get woven into Lacan’s intricate web of interplay of desire, need, and demand in analysis, but for the moment, we must hold this off as a distraction).
• The knowledge the patient seeks is already known to him/her:
 it exists in his/her unconscious, in the signifying chain containing the master signifiers.
This is the ‘knowledge’ that slips out in dreams, slips of the tongue, self-defeating acts – and, of course, the symptoms that might have prompted the Subject to come to the couch in the first place.
Analysis seeks to trace the signifying chain, bringing out of the unconscious more and more of its links.
• The truth can only be arrived at by means of the master signifiers, the ‘negative side’ of which must be drawn out of the unconscious.
The true signifying chain – not the one spun by the ‘de-negatives’ of the master signifiers – has to be built of the Subject’s own volition;
 ‘telling’ it to him/her will only lead to a fresh repression of it, or of enough elements of it as will render it meaningless.
At best, the analyst may ‘supply’ at the right moment, a missing element, but the job of inserting it into the chain is the patient’s sole and sovereign right.
• The Other – the set of rules and hypotheses into which the individual is born and which includes and is contained within language – creates the Subject and its ego;
 as language, it is the raw material from which the signifying chain was produced;
 its first embodiment – the mother – is the object of primary identification of the child.
• The first transference in psychoanalysis must mimic that of the primary identification, so that the analyst embodies the Other – the gatekeeper of the meanings of the signifiers used by the analysand.
• The analyst is the ‘sujet suppose savoir’:
 the Subject-supposed-to-know;
 the analysand makes the hypothesis that the analyst knows things about him/her that she/he (the Subject) doesn’t.
•アナリストは「sujet suppose savoir」です。
This hypothesis is important because in making it, the analysand recognises that there is something to know – something to which she/he is oblivious, which is the first truth in analysis.
Analysis works by the readiness of this Subject-supposed-to-know to listen to the patient,
and his/her ability to reflect back at the patient, with the accuracy of the ‘pure mirror of a smooth surface’ (i. e. without distortion),
the knowledge contained in the patient’s own signifiers.
分析は、この 知っていると想定される主体が患者の話を聞く準備ができているかどうか、
そして、「滑らかな表面の純粋な鏡」のように正確に(つまり歪みなく)患者に反射する能力があるかどうかによって機能する 、
• Desire is what sustains the analysis, and it is the analyst’s job to sustain desire.
Desire is also, together with its twin, anxiety, one of the principal structuring forces of the Subject;
 it is a condition in the Subject that the ego is often oblivious to,
and one of the aims of analysis is to allow the Subject to bring its authentic desires into the light of consciousness.
• The role of the analyst is threefold:
 to be the ‘pure mirror’, to be the Other, and to sustain desire.
Transference in Lacanian analysis
Unlike Klein and Anna Freud, Lacan never recommended talking to the patient about his/her transference – what she/he was feeling towards the analyst, etc.;
 indeed, he warned against this practice, which he felt engaged the ego of the patient – the very part responsible for blocking out truth – to the further obscuring of the Subject.
However, the constant and ever-changing manifestations of transference in an analysis had to be noted with great precision by the analyst,
and ‘played’ with extreme subtlety by the analyst,
who should be as opaque and reflective as possible – an empty mirror.
‘Throughout the course of the analysis, on the sole condition that the ego of the analyst agrees not to be there,
on the sole condition that the analyst is not a living mirror but an empty mirror,
what happens, happens between the ego of the subject and the others.’ 7
In other words, the analyst has to put to one side his/her ego,
and listen impassively, like a ‘pure mirror of absolute smoothness’, so as to allow the patient to project upon him/her the successive images of the myriad interlocutors the patient has had in his/her life;
 the ‘others’ in this sentence refers to these interlocutors (often the mother, father, siblings, spouses).
Lacan continues: The analysis consists in getting him to become conscious of his relations, not with the ego of the analyst, but with all those others who are his true interlocutors and whom he hasn’t recognised.
It is a matter of the subject gradually discovering which other he is truly addressing without knowing it,
and of gradually assuming [coming to recognise and admit] the transferential relations at the place where he is,
and where at first he didn’t know he was.
Unlike classical analysts, Lacanian analysts tend not to point out to patients that they are talking to him/her as if he/she was their mother/ex-lover/grandfather, etc.
unless he/she can do it subtly and in response to something the patients say;
 ideally, the patients should realise it themselves, as in the following example.
A woman had been addressing questions to her analyst for several sessions – they were all questions regarding her children – how she should behave towards them, how she should handle certain situations with them, etc.
She seemed to be asking for practical advice, as one would of one’s mother.
The analyst said nothing much in response, until one day, the woman said:
 ‘This is silly – I’m talking to you as if you were my mum!’
To which the analyst replied, ‘exactly so’.
In situations like these, a Lacanian analyst may also use the termination of the session as a form of interpretation:
 she/he may end the session there, to allow the analysand to understand that she/he has made a discovery of some significance, to reflect upon it further.
In this manner, the variability of duration of the sessions is used as an interpretive tool.
Of course, it is not always possible for the patient to come to the realisation by themselves;
 in these cases, a Lacanian analyst could point it out.
The difference with a classical analyst is that they would do it in such a way that their words came as a response to a question from the analysand,
and the information would be couched in such a way as to focus purely on the fact of the transfer and not on the knowledge of the analyst implied in his/her act of pointing it out.
For example, if a patient has been speaking for some time as if she/he thinks that the analyst holds certain opinions that the analyst knows were held by his/her father, the analyst may simply say:
 ‘I’m not your father’ – thereby letting the patient see that she/he has been addressing her absent father,
without allowing too much of an intrusion of the analyst’s own being into the game at this point.
A Lacanian would not say:
 ‘Do you realise that for three sessions now you have been talking to me as if I were your father?’
because such a formulation would divert the patient’s attention too much onto the ego of the analyst and the knowledge implied in her/his statement.
Lacan said that ‘transference is the acting out of the reality of the unconscious’; 8
it arises not from the fact that the analyst reminds the analysand of somebody else, but because of the analysand’s discourse and the unconscious knowledge it brings out.
As mentioned before, the most important identification that a Subject ever makes is the primary identification with the mother as Other.
In analysis, there will be a re-enactment of this primary identification through transference:
 the analyst must assume the place that the mother occupied for the child with regard to the acquisition of language and the channelling of demand and need through the gateway of signifiers.
This opens up the possibility of the patient hearing (reflected back by the mirror of the analyst) his/her signifiers in a new light.
It happens at the start of the analysis, and not at the end, and by it the analyst is established in the place of the Other.
The primary identification allows for a series of transferences, by which the patient will identify the analyst as various different key figures in his/her past, and will behave towards the analyst accordingly.
When this happens, ‘the analyst must respond to them [the series of transferential discourses] only from his position in the transference’. 9
This is a point that will be taken up further when discussing the place of interpretation in Lacanian analysis.
Counter-transference and the question of the analyst’s ego
Lacan describes counter-transference as ‘the sum of the prejudices, passions, perplexities, and even the insufficient information of the analyst at a certain moment of the dialectical process of the treatment’.
For Lacan, training analysis ‘does not put the analyst beyond passion’. 10
But, if the analyst does not act on the basis of these feelings,
it is not because his/her training analysis has drained away his/her passions,
but because it has given him/her a desire which is even stronger than those passions:
 the desire of the analyst.
‘No one has ever said that the analyst should never have feelings towards his patient.
But he must know not only not to give into them, to keep them in their place, but also how to make adequate use of them in his technique.’ 11
The place of counter-transference in psychoanalysis is described by Lacan thus:
 ‘The analyst’s feelings have only one possible place in the game, that of the dummy … if the dummy is revived the game will proceed without anyone knowing who is leading it.’ 12
In other words, the analyst is aware of his/her feelings and takes them into account in his/her play,
but doesn’t play with them during the session;
 to do so would severely disturb the smooth surface of the mirror the analyst is supposed to be.
If, for some reason, the analyst does decide to allow his/her feelings into play, then it must be done in such a way that the analysand remains unaware of it.
To return to the idea of the analyst as ‘pure mirror’, who has agreed to leave his/her ego at the door,
it must be noted that when it came to the tricky business of making an interpretation,
Lacan did not shy away from saying that this interpretation had necessarily to be made by the ego of the analyst.
It is obvious, perhaps, that the analyst cannot ‘cease to be
– the patient might as well be talking to a tape-recorder if that were the case.
The place of the analyst’s ego in making interpretations will be discussed in the section on interpretation.
Desire and demand in analysis
Transference helps the analysand to associate freely,
and in analysis, the Subject will talk about all kinds of things it may normally avoid
– these are usually its objects of desire, the containers within which the agalma of the small a object is located.
(A distinction must be made at this point between the small a object and the container thereof
– the object of desire, rather than the object cause of desire
– as there is a tendency among Lacanian analysts to use ‘l’objet petit a’ as a shorthand when in fact they are talking about its containers.)
ラカン派のアナリストの間では、実際にはそのコンテナについてはなしているときに、「l'objet petit a」を省略形として使用する傾向があるためです。
But here a problem often arises:
 these objects of desire are terribly fascinating to the Subject,
who may remain stuck in their contemplation and be unable to produce any more meaningful discourse for quite some time.
Many analyses founder completely on the rocks of the desired object;
 and as desire is itself desirable and a shield against anxiety,
there is a natural resistance to doing anything that might endanger it.
A woman started an analysis after years of being involved in a series of painful relationships with married men;
 she can talk freely about the men in question,
but cannot go further towards the small a object that she imagines to be in these men or to be attainable through the situation of the triangular relationship.
しかし、彼女がこれらの男性の中にある、または三角形の関係の状況を通して達成可能であると彼女が想像するsmall a objectに向かってさらに進むことはできません。
She can describe the painful situations she was in and how she felt about them,
but any discourse that begins to threaten her desire is quickly steered away from;
 it seems that the pain involved in those relationships is somehow preferable to the possible extinction of her desire.
Without a skilful analyst, her analysis may have (and did for a while) become stalled at a point which many people reach just in talking to their friends
(how often are friends called upon to listen sympathetically to the same problematic being described ad nauseam, often over the course of decades?).
The analyst’s job then is to oppose his/her desire to that of the analysand:
 and the analyst’s desire can only be to cure the patient by helping him/her towards his/her own truth.
For Lacan, this desire of the analyst is even more important than transference phenomena,
for this is the motor force that will keep the analysis going and prevent it becoming stalled:
 ‘there is not only what the analyst intends to do with his patient, there is also what the analyst intends that his patient is going to make of himself’. 13
「アナリストが患者に対して何をしようとしているのかだけでなく、アナリストが彼の患者に何をさせようとしているかということもあります。」 13
Think how enormous is the task of the analyst – it is like breaching a city wall with a herring;
 analysis threatens the wall of ego around the Subject and undermines its foundation of desire
… so who could blame the Subject for resisting?
 And yet the analyst is supported by one thing – a traitor, if you like, inside the city wall
– and that is the simple fact of the analysand having come to the session,
which is the only indicator that she/he has a desire to be cured.
This desire to be cured – at times apparently too feeble to do anything against the monument of ego constructed around the small a object
– shows itself in the demands the patient puts upon the analyst.
 治癒したいというこの願望は、small a objectの周りに構築された自我の記念碑に対して何もできないように見えることもありますが、
The analyst must play upon these demands to sustain that weak flame of desire-to-be-cured.
And the analyst has some knowledge – not the knowledge she/he is supposed by the analysand to have, but the knowledge that ‘desire is the desire of the Other’,
and in his/her place as the Other, conferred by transference, she/he must play carefully with his/her weapons of silence and interpretation.
It is in order to sustain the primary demand – that of being cured – that the Lacanian analyst remains silent in response to the questions put to him/her by the patient.
Those questions are a diversion from the real issue, and the patient probably knows that.
What is important is that the patient is there and is still making demands;
 and by frustrating these demands, desire may be sustained:
I keep quiet.
Everybody agrees that by doing so I frustrate the speaker, and he knows that and I know it too.
 If I frustrate him it is because he asks me for something – to answer him precisely
– but he knows very well that it would be mere words, and he can get those from whomever he likes!
It’s not even certain that he’d be grateful to me if they were the right words, let alone if they were the wrong ones.
It’s not these words he is asking for.
He is simply asking me … from the very fact he is speaking:
 his demand is intransitive
… Of course his demand is deployed in the field of an implicit demand, that for which he is there:
 the demand to cure him, to reveal him to himself.  14
彼を治し、彼を彼自身に明らかにするという要求。 14
And the frustration itself has a function other than that of sustaining desire:
 it is what may eventually cause the analysand to answer his/her own questions, from the unconscious knowledge she/he already has;
 in Lacan’s words, it ‘makes reappear the signifiers in which the frustration is held’.  15
ラカンの言葉では、それは「欲求不満が抱かれているシニフィアン再現させます」。 15
The Lacanian silence has another role;
 it is not only a frustrating silence, it is a silence in which the Subject’s speech is ‘borne aloft’ – in the sense that a flag-bearer bears a flag.
The analyst distinguishes himself in that he makes use of a function that is common to all people in a way that it not possible for everyone, when he bears the speech (like a flag-bearer).
This is what he does with the Subject’s speech, even when only welcoming it … in the silence of the listener.
This silence includes speech, as in the expression ‘keeping silent’ which with regard to the silence of the analyst does not only mean that he makes no noise, but that he keeps quiet rather than answers.  16
この沈黙にはスピーチが含まれており、「keeping silent」という表現のように、これはアナリストの沈黙に関しては、音を立てないという意味だけでなく、答えるのではなく黙っているという意味でもあります。 16
It is only in the silence and in the presence of the Other embodied by the analyst that the Subject will ever be able to hear the resonance of its speech.
This is why Lacan insists that there are questions to which his role is precisely not to answer
– answers are, after all, available for free from sympathetic friends and always ignored
(‘Do you think I should leave him?’ is an example;
 there is no answer to this that the analyst can possibly give;
 repeating it back is worse than meaningless, for it allows the Subject to hear it coming back to her from another person
disguising the fact that the question is hers and hers alone;
 silence would at least make that much clear).
For Lacan, as the analysis nears its end, the power of the analyst wanes, and finally, the analyst is discarded, like an empty shell.
This contrasts strongly with the view of other schools of analysis that the end of an analysis should be closely controlled and managed by the analyst.
In Lacanian analysis, the end is simply the point at which the patient’s desire to be cured is no longer sufficiently strong to induce him/her to make the journey.
The lessening of this desire should be the natural consequence of ‘getting better’,
and the only thing that would interfere with it would be some badly handled transference in which a secondary desire has been created which supplants the primary one of being cured.
A final word on desire would be fitting here,
but this time on the desire of the patient around which his/her ego is structured and which it is the task of analysis to discover.
It is to remind the reader that desire is the foundation of the Subject’s defences against anxiety,
and the object cause of desire (a) has its inverse in the lack that causes anxiety, as shown in the formula

(S1 being the spoken master signifier and S2 being its repressed counterfoil).
Upon the foundation of desire and from the building blocks of language is constructed the ego of the Subject.
From the blind gropings of the analysand’s discourse will emerge the elements of the signifying chain that will enunciate his/her true desire, and maybe by extension, his/her castratedness.
But the construction of the chain is no easy matter;
 even when most of the elements have been brought to light,
it remains for the analysand to put them together in the way that will reveal the right meaning ほとんどの要素が明らかになったとしても、
(and remember, from linguistics, that it is the association of signifiers that gives meaning and not some ‘natural’ link between signifiers and signifieds).
The point about the master signifiers is that they have a repressed counterpart which gives them meaning
– the apparent signifieds of the master signifiers are unimportant.
So let us now revisit our examples of chapters 8 and 3.
The signifier ‘sailing’ for the man whose father was a keen sailor has importance only in its association with the father and with the situation of sibling rivalry in the home;
 without this, a boat is a boat and nothing else.
Likewise, for the little girl, ‘the best’ is given weight and importance because of its counter-position with ‘second best’ and the chain of associations linked with this.
 同様に、小さな女の子にとって、「the best」は「second best」との反対の立場と、これに関連する連想の連鎖のために、重みと重要性が与えられます。
For Lacan, in order for the master signifiers to reveal their real meaning for the Subject, they have first to be ‘dialectised’ within the Subject’s own mind
– the analysand has to recognise the relationship between ‘the best’ and ‘second best’;
被分析者は「the best」と「second best」の関係を認識する必要があります。
 only then can the master signifier lose its tension – the tension of being coupled with its anxiogenic counterpart – and become uncoupled, a process Lacan called ‘separation’.
This separation is the end of analysis:
 the point at which the little girl can truly feel that ‘the best’ has lost its importance,
because it is no longer coupled with ‘second best’.
「the best」はもはや「second best」と結びついていないため、
少女が「the best」の重要性を失ったと本当に感じることができるポイント。
She may not stop wanting ‘the best’ of everything,
but at least she may know why this is and be able to recognise when it is a nonsense
(literally – that it has no sense outside the dialectic of her desire-anxiety, and thus has lost its tension);
 彼女はすべての「the best」を欲しがるのをやめないかもしれませんが、
 for only then can the alternative to ‘the best’ stop being so threatening.
そうして初めて、「the best」代替手段がそれほど脅威になるのをやめることができます。
Similarly, the woman for whom ‘rationality’ was so important may not stop enjoying chess or problem-solving,
but she may no longer feel that its inevitable inverse is so very great a threat to her.
One can see how massive a threat to the founding desire of the Subject is posed by analysis,
and it is not surprising that it encounters resistance.
Do we truly want to give up our desires?
Do we know what will take their place?
 Lacan was very far from sure about this:
 recognising desires was one thing, giving them up another.
At the end, our greatest fear is probably that our desire will be replaced with the bland nothingness of nirvana;
 and yet, nirvana is exactly what is craved by those for whom the tension between desire and anxiety has become all too much;
 perhaps the only real solution is to recognise one’s desire so as not to be enslaved by it.
Most analysis anyway stops at the point at which enough has been revealed for this tension to be reduced;
 there are many points at which an analysis can be ended,
but the usual one is when the desire for emotional pain relief is too weak to keep the patient coming,
when ‘the analyst sees his own power decline, having been rendered useless by the demise of the symptoms and the completion of the personality’. 17
「アナリストが自分の力の低下を見て、症状の消滅と人格の完成によって役に立たなくなった」とき。 17
Interpretation in Lacanian analysis
While the job of dialectisation and the construction of the signifying chain is the Subject’s alone,
and Lacanians tend to use interpretation far less than other analysts because of this,
still the Lacanian analyst has also to interpret, if she/he is to fulfil his/her role as the Other.
If we remember that the symptom is classically seen to have meaning for the Subject,
and bear in mind that interpretation is aimed at drawing out this meaning,
what Lacan feared was that many classical psychoanalysts use interpretation as a kind of argument with which to persuade the patient to accept the meaning that the analyst has put upon it
– a meaning built upon the analyst’s theoretical constructs.
‘You are being hostile towards me because you see me as the castrating father, who you were obliged to defend yourself against’, etc.
If these interpretations encounter ‘resistance’, the analyst may employ more and more arguments out of his/her theoretical bible, to ‘show’ the patient how and why the interpretation works.
For Lacan, symptoms anyway have no ‘real world’ meaning that derives from a connection between a signifier and its signified,
but come into being only from the effect of a signifier chain very particular and home-grown to the Subject (in fact, the sinthome),
in which meaning comes from the Subject’s own association of signifiers.
主体にとって非常に特殊で自家製のシニフィアンチェーン(実際には、 サントーム)の効果からのみ存在する、
Interpretations should therefore avoid introducing meaning determined by the analyst
but aim at exposing the signifiers involved in the inscription of the sinthome, which is the structural basis for the symptom.
Lacan opposed the practice of telling your patient how their present emotions or actions fit into this or that theoretical construct,
partly because such a practice suggests a lack of recognition on the part of the analyst that a construct is only that – a fiction of the analyst’s imagination.
Like all fictions, it can ‘ring true’ and be useful in allowing the patient to understand something, but equally, it may not, and may simply be untrue.
But anyway, it is still an imaginary construct, and to respond to a patient’s imaginary constructs (their fantasies) with one of your own is to play a game entirely within the Imaginary realm.
Unless the analysand wants to become an analyst him/herself,
or is of the kind of personality and intellect to which Lacanian theory will be interesting,
he saw no direct treatment benefit in lecturing them about the Phallus, or the Thing, or the irruption of the Real.
As for making interpretations in the way of the British, American, or Vienna Schools, Lacan had this to say:
 ‘I will confine myself to remarking that, in reading the classical commentaries on interpretation, I always regret how little is made of the very facts people supply.’ 18
「私は、解釈に関する古典的な解説を読む際に、人々が提供する事実ほとんどないことを、常に残念に思う」と述べるに止めておくことにする。 18
In other words, if analysts weren’t so busy trying to find in the patient’s speech some basis for their theoretical constructs,
and took greater literal account of what the Subject is saying, they might find the answers right there.
The worst effects of making interpretations by citing some piece of theory is that the patient might, especially if there is strong transference and a hysterical personality in question, begin to respond with fantasies constructed to fit that theoretical bases;
the relationship between analyst and patient then becomes something of a folie à deux, which feeds off the Imaginary realms of both parties.
And worst of all, in the case of hysterical patients, this game plays directly into the structure of the neurosis,
which is that of wanting to fill one’s inner emptiness with the desire of the Other.
That this is so seems to be born out by the observation made in the 1950s of some analysts within the British school that the termination of an analysis was the point at which the patient comes to identify with the analyst.
For Lacan, this seemed highly unsatisfactory:
 ‘at best, the contemporary analyst leaves his patient at the point of purely imaginary identification – of which the hysteric remains captive, because her fantasy implies ensnarement in it’. 19
–彼女のファンタジーはその中に誘惑すること暗示しているので、ヒステリックな人は捕らえられたままです。」。 19
In Lacanian analysis, interpretation is used sparingly, and not in reference to the analyst’s theoretical constructs,
except in particular circumstances, for instance, if the analysand has a good personal knowledge of Lacanian theory and is a trainee.
More commonly, theory is, like counter-transference, the dummy in the game of bridge:
 one plays according to it but not with it.
In other words, theory is there to help the analyst understand the patient and him/herself:
 it provides him/her with a model, a kind of code for use in decryption,
but it is only a guidebook to the analyst’s actions, and otherwise irrelevant to the process of analysis.
What was important for Lacan was that when an individual comes into analysis,
it is in order to find the answers to certain questions posed by the circumstances of his/her life
– answers that she/he already unconsciously knows, but to which his/her ego is oblivious.
Lacan took the position that this was the only knowledge that really mattered;
 hence, his use of interpretation (or silence) was designed to help the Subject recognise the repressed knowledge in their own way and in the logic of their circumstances, and not according to a theoretical construct.
‘If we conduct the Subject anywhere, it is to a deciphering which assumes that a sort of logic is already operative in the unconscious,
a logic in which for example an interrogative voice or even the development of an argument can be recognised. ’ 20
その論理とは、たとえば、質問の声や議論の展開さえも認識できる論理です。 ’20
For Lacan, the only thing that determines whether an interpretation is correct or not is whether it is effective in the treatment.
Obviously, a wrong interpretation will not work, but nor will a correct one if it is not couched in the right signifiers and delivered at precisely the right moment.
An analyst may see some truth about the patient according to his/her theoretical system,
but until the patient can see the same truth couched in the terms of his/her own reality, it is useless;
 after all, meaning can only be realised in the Subject’s own construction of the signifier chain.
It may be more useful to ask:
when does one know that an interpretation has done the trick?
 For Lacan, an interpretation is effective only if it works a transmutation in the patient
– a transmutation that is visible not in the patient’s immediate acceptance or rejection of the interpretation,
but in an observable change manifested in the patient’s future speech and actions.
Lacan was not at all troubled by the patient’s denying the accuracy of an interpretation – it would work its magic anyway if it was correct;
 nor was he pleased by the patient’s agreeing with an interpretation, if nothing changed in his/her functioning afterwards.
This is why he scoffed at the preoccupation of some analysts with ‘negative transference’,
the drawer in which they put the patient’s resistance to their interpretations:
 ‘the subject’s resistance, when it opposes suggestion, is but a desire to maintain desire.
As such his resistance should be considered positive transference,
since it is desire that maintains the direction of the analysis.’ 21
This is where, perhaps, a word could be said about the role of the analyst, and whether she/he allows his/her ego into play in the session.
To Lacan, it was obvious that the answer was yes, but to many people this seemed to contradict,
firstly, his assertion that the analyst must be ‘pure mirror’
and secondly, his recommendation that the analyst respond to the demands of the patient ‘only from his position in the transference’.
By the latter statement, he meant that interpretations should not involve arcane theories,
but fit into the logic of the Subject’s own discourse.
By the former – well, the silence of the ‘pure mirror’ is necessary in order to allow the patient to associate freely and to start to form his/her signifier chain,
but when it comes to interpretations, it was obvious (at least to Lacan) that it had to be the analyst’s ego that spoke – what else could it be?
 Lacan pointed out that if the patient only received the analyst’s speech as that of his/her imaginary interlocutor in the transference,
then the patient would remain indefinitely within the same position and the analysis would remain frozen in time.
Furthermore, in making the interpretation, the analyst had to re-assume his/her ego in order to fulfil his/her other role – that of the Subject-supposed-to-know, which is also the Other.
As an aside, Lacan seemed rather irritated at the fussing over what the analyst was supposed to be when making an interpretation:
 ‘Who will say what the analyst is there, and what remains of him when he is up against the wall of the task of interpreting?’
To avoid the bland answer that he (the analyst) is a man, and an animal of our species, he recasts the question more directly a few paragraphs later:
 ‘Who is speaking?’ – for which the answer has to be ‘Me’ (with all the double meaning of the French ‘moi’ as ‘ego’). 22
「どちらさますか?」–答えは「私」でなければなりません(フランス語の「moi」は「ego」として二重の意味を持ちます)。 22
Lacan was also rare in that he made a real effort to understand how interpretation works.
Most others are content merely to note its efficacy, or lack thereof (and in the latter case to attribute its failure to ‘resistance’ on the part of the patient), but this is like believing in magic:
 it works, but we don’t know how.
Few analysts have made hypotheses about how interpretation works,
and Lacan is rather damning of the efforts of Edward Glover in this direction,
who ‘finds interpretation everywhere, even in the banality of a medical prescription, being unable to set any limits to it …
Conceived of in this way, interpretation becomes a sort of phlogiston;
 it is manifest in everything that is understood rightly or wrongly, as long as it feeds the flame of the imaginary.’ 23
The effects of a well-done interpretation are observable in the patient, but this gives rise to many other questions, the first being what exactly has changed and how?
 Lacan chose to work from the second question, the ‘how’,
and felt that the answer lay in the nature of the material being worked, which is speech.
‘No index suffices to show where interpretation operates,
unless one accepts in all its radical implications a concept of the function of the signifier,
which grasps where it is that the subject subordinates himself to the signifer to so great an extent that he is suborned [taken control of] by it.’ 24
Lacan postulated that the analyst, having been attributed the role of the Other, who is the keeper of the treasury of signifiers and knowledge,
is designated the role of supplying the missing links in the signifier chain that the Subject is forming.
In order to decipher the diachrony of unconscious repetitions,
interpretation must introduce into the synchrony of signifiers that come together there something that suddenly makes translation possible
– this is precisely what is allowed by the function of the Other in the possession of the code,
it being in relation to that Other that the missing element appears. 25
それは他者に関係において、不足している要素が現れるのである。 25
It is not the patient’s belief in the analyst that makes the analyst able to supply the right link,
but it is certainly this belief that allows the analysand to hear and recognise it, should the analyst be good enough to produce it.
‘Making an interpretation’ is a highly delicate manoeuvre which needs precision timing and the use of exactly the right words.
For example, in the search for the signifying chain of the Subject’s truth, the analyst may have been aware for some time of the Subject’s master signifiers, having heard them often or deduced them from what she/he has heard;
 however, there is another step to be made towards finding their repressed counterparts,
and if and when the analyst has an idea what these are,
it is best to gently push the analysand towards enunciating them him/herself,
perhaps with a well-timed question, or just a single word when the analysand is groping for it, and very nearly has it.
To mention it too soon would lead to instant dismissal and denegation,
and not to seize upon it at the right moment would also allow it to be re-interred in a welter of covering signifiers.
As Lacan pointed out, the analytical transference not only allows for the opening up of the shutters behind which the truth is hidden, but it also allows them to be slammed tight, by exactly the same process of discourse.
This is why he warns against analysing and explaining transference as a means of interpretation – it calls into play too much of the patient’s ego:
To appeal to some healthy part of the Subject thought to be there …
capable of judging with the analyst what is happening in the transference,
is to misunderstand that it is precisely this part … that closes the door, or the window, or the shutters or whatever
– and that the beauty with whom one wishes to speak is there, behind, only too willing to open the shutters again.
This is why it is at this moment that interpretation becomes decisive,
for it is to the beauty that one must speak … the unconscious is the discourse of the Other.
Now, the discourse of the Other that is to be realised, that of the unconscious, is not beyond the closure, it is outside.
It is this discourse which, through the mouth of the analyst, calls for the reopening of the shutter.  26
アナリストの口を通して、シャッターの再開を要求するのはこの言説です。 26
In conclusion
Lacan saw analysis as a perilous adventure best embarked upon out of a sense of desperation;
 any other reason for starting it is not as likely to achieve as good a result, unless one’s desire was very strong indeed.
For Lacan, the desire for truth and for knowledge was the ultimate desire, whose pursuit produced the ultimate enjoyment.
Analysis should therefore not aim at any clumsy excision of the desire of the Subject, but rather its strengthening;
 it should not strengthen the ego, but weaken its fictions.
For him, the desire of the Subject would and should always remain elusive, and the adventure would only get better as one approached it.
The question of the realisation of desire is always formulated from the point of view of a Last Judgement.
Try to imagine what ‘to have realised one’s desire’ might mean,
if it is not to have it realised, so to speak, in the end.
It’s this trespassing of death upon life that gives its dynamism to any question that attempts to find a formulation for the Subject of the realisation of desire.  27
欲望の実現の主体のための形式化を見つけようとするあらゆる質問にそのダイナミズムを与えるのは、この生に対する死の不法侵入なのです。 27