13 Lacan A Beginner’s Guide

After the flood
Lacan in the twenty-first century
Let us hope it will last!
(Maria-Letizia Ramolino, Napoleon’s mother)
It is now more than a quarter of a century since the death of Lacan;
the generation of analysts who were themselves on his couch or who attended his seminars is now the ‘old guard’.
For some of them to have been able to move away from the position of absolute respect for the master and to even disagree with some of his ideas probably indicates some kind of resolution of their transference.
The next generation will not have experienced the same transference (although some transference can and will exist even with a dead Subject, still writ large in his discourse) and are better able to take an objective view of his work and perhaps build upon it.
However, there will always be those even in the new generation who are searching for an absolute master, or who want to become an absolute master and see in Lacan’s complex writings a powerful tool to impress and control the non-or less initiated.
The death of Jacques Lacan left his followers in an institutional and a theoretical crisis that led to the fracturing of the group.
Beyond the political and personal aspects of these conflicts, there were theoretical differences that divided Lacan’s followers into two broad camps (a third, which had splintered from the main group before his death, could be said to exist in the form of the Organisation Psychanalytique de Langue Française (OPLF)).
 これらの政治的および個人的な対立の側面を超えて、理論的な相違があり、ラカンの信者たちは大きく2つの陣営に分かれた(彼の生前にメイングループから分裂した3番目は、OPLF(Organisation Psychanalytique de Langue Française)の形で存在していたといえる)。
The first comprises those analysts who tend to see Lacan’s theory as a finished body of work,
which needs only to be commented upon, explained to newcomers, and taught to pupils.
These followers tend to believe that there is a unifying theory in Lacan’s work that close study will reveal.
The other group takes the view that just as Lacan’s theories built upon Freud, his own followers and subsequent generations should continue to build upon his works, even if in doing so they may move away from some of his formulations.
This anti-doctrinaire group is somewhat closer to the spirit of Jacques Lacan, who never claimed to have a unifying theory, and believed that the theory of psychoanalysis was a work in progress.
Some of these analysts could be named ‘Modern Lacanians’, in parallel to what has happened in the Freudian sphere.
These differences apply to individual analysts rather than schools or institutions, and there are people of both types in the various Lacanian organisations.
In France, Charles Melman and Jean Bergès are probably the most interesting representatives of this second group;
what is interesting about them on the world stage is that both of them, like Lacan, are psychiatrists.
Outside of France, psychiatry has become very alienated from psychoanalysis, to the impoverishment of both disciplines.
It should be remembered that both Freud and Lacan were doctors, and that many of the major psychoanalytical insights of the pioneers of the science were the result of clinical observation in hospitals.
The fact that psychiatry deals with extreme cases, as well as psychiatric manifestations with a bodily cause, allows its practitioners a breadth and depth of view not available to analysts who deal principally with a self-selected and voluntary group of analysands.
The small group of Lacanian psychiatrists that remains in France is in the privileged position of the founders of their science and their contributions should not be neglected.
Charles Melman has built upon Lacan’s work, treating it as part of the canon of psychoanalytic theory, which is the greater work in progress.
Having devoted a lot of his work to the theory of psychosis and obsessional neurosis, he also used psychoanalytical concepts to understand changes in society, as Freud did in Civilisation and Its Discontents. 1
精神病と強迫神経症の理論に多くの研究を捧げてきた彼は、フロイトが「文化への不満」で行ったように、精神分析の概念を使用して社会の変化を理解しました。 1
Another major author within the group of modern Lacanians is Jean Bergès.
As a Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist with a solid experience of Neurology and Paediatrics, he was also one of very few psychoanalysts interested in the body, and who practised relaxation therapy.
His awareness of the physical-psychological interconnections gave him a very particular kind of insight into human development.
During his seminars at St. Anne Hospital he introduced several new concepts, and developed new ways of understanding old ones.
One of these new concepts is of the operation of bodily functions as the blueprint for the thinking process.
Another of Bergès’ advances is the use he made of Transitivism, a very old psychiatric concept denoting the process whereby someone imagines another person to be experiencing the same thing that she/he is experiencing.
Bergès, after Wallon and Lacan, saw the process of Transitivism at the heart of the interactions that lead to the kindling of thinking in children.
Transitivism is the mechanism that helps the mother make hypotheses about the baby.
The game of hypothesis between the mother and the baby is the beginning of ‘social interaction’ and allows the child to access the Symbolic register.
He also offered a new meta-psychological approach to what the English-speaking world tends to call the autistic spectrum. 2
彼はまた、英語圏の世界が自閉症スペクトラムと呼ぶ傾向があるものへの、新しいメタ心理学的アプローチを提供しました。 2
Will Lacan’s legacy last?
Two points have to be examined separately:
the future of the Lacanian model within psychoanalysis and the future of psychoanalysis within the broader spectrum of ‘psychological therapies’.
In the context of the first point, Lacanian psychoanalysis has grown rather like yeast in a warm room.
The first Lacanian school was created in the early 1960s, and subsequently split and split again, with each schism resulting in the birth of a new school with its own energy and vigour,
so that at the beginning of the twenty-first century, there are probably at least as many if not more Lacanian analysts than those of any other theoretical orientation.
The IPA does not recognise the schools from which these analysts have emerged, but this has not stopped them functioning.
However, this lack of a single regulatory body has made it difficult to put hard figures to the numbers of Lacanian analysts practising today.
In 1992, the Association Mondiale de Psychanalyse was created to regroup some of the Lacanian schools;
the fact of its necessity could be seen a sign of the health of these groups while at the same time perpetuating a position of competition with the IPA.
However, the strength of Lacan’s work lies not with political power:
 Lacanian analysts are typically uninterested in seizing this, or even in questions of what is ‘mainstream’, ‘popular’, or otherwise.
Anti-institutionalism is an inherent part of Lacan’s legacy, and he cast this as one of the founding tenets of his theory, in his Four Discourses.
The enduring success of Lacan is in the usefulness of his theory itself.
Through his clever intuitions, careful observations, and borrowings from other sciences,
Lacan created an edifice of great explanatory potential that analysts have found effective in understanding complex issues.
Gender issues, transference, trauma, the role of fathers, and psychosis are among the many topics that can be re-examined through his theoretical construct.
Lacan’s legacy
Lacan’s work is like Freud’s, a work in progress:
 he went as far as he could during his lifetime and many issues he raised can and should be developed further.
This allows a vast scope of work for generations of analysts,
who could and should emulate Lacan in using advances made in other fields such as linguistics and philosophy to re-examine Lacanian concepts, in the same way that Lacan reworked Freudian ones.
Lacan’s ideas on the practice of analysis are also of great relevance,
as they arose from genuine issues encountered by practitioners that were not properly discussed in the analytical institutions,
and which have remained unaddressed to this day.
For example, there has never been a theoretical debate about the duration of the analytical session
– and now there is more than a quarter of a century’s worth of experience of the use of variable duration sessions to add to the discussion.
Likewise, the question of the training and accreditation of an analyst has never been debated in depth, perhaps for historical and political reasons;
but the debate initiated in the second part of the twentieth century should at some stage take place in the twenty-first.
One factor in Lacan’s longevity is the fact that because of his ‘borrowings’ from linguistics, philosophy, and anthropology, his work can be and is used by academics in non-clinical fields.
Literature, sociology, politics, gender studies, and other fields involving critical thinking (e. g.  film or theatre studies) all make use of Lacanian theory.
Lacan’s work is studied by philosophers, and his complex views still fuel many debates among scholars.
The amount of this non-clinical interest in Lacan is vast and a simple internet search on Lacan’s key concepts reveals a world of scholarly work.
The wide-ranging nature of Lacan’s popularity is in some way a guarantee of the survival of his work,
as it places it beyond the vagaries of psychoanalytical and psychological fashion as dictated by an establishment which has from the outset been prone to political wranglings, and to the sudden embracing or rejecting of particular theories.
The applicability of Lacan in far more than psychoanalysis should ensure that the future of his work remains firmly linked to its intellectual merit.
Having said this, it remains sad that Lacan, the psychiatrist, is rarely read by psychiatrists.
This is probably in part the result of the move towards a very biological model of psychiatry that began with the development of the first generation of psychotropic drugs in the 1960s, and which was granted ‘official’ status with the publication of the Diagnostic Statistical Manual (DSM III ) classification in 1980.
 これはおそらく、1960年代に第1世代の向精神薬の開発から始まり、1980年に診断統計マニュアル(DSM III)の分類が発表されて「公式」な地位を得たことにより、精神医学が非常に生物学的なモデルへとお移行した結果であると考えられます。
This is the psychiatric classification system of the American Psychiatric Association and has become the dominant model worldwide.
It involved a paradigm shift which left very little place for psychological models in the understanding of mental disorders, and even less for the most complicated elements of this understanding – psychoanalysis.
Within psychoanalysis, the difficulty of Lacanian texts and the problems of translation have led to his being simply left out of any standard teaching.
The future of psychoanalysis
It is an unfortunate but incontrovertible truth that the standing of any therapeutic system in society is based largely on economics.
残念なことに、 社会における治療システムの地位が、主に経済性に基づいているというのは、議論の余地のない真実です。
At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the United Kingdom (along with many other countries with publicly funded health services) is preoccupied with ‘evidence-based’ practices, which are thought to guarantee value for money;
and the scientifically demonstrated efficacy of cognitive-behavioural therapies (CBT) has brought about a revival of interest in psychological therapies.
The psychoanalytical establishment has not yet attempted to justify its existence by means of statistics to show efficacy,
and is hampered in this by theoretical difficulties in defining what is a good ‘result’.
But it may not be long before it does take on the challenge,
and then one of the issues that will arise is that of what happens to a patient in the long term.
Arguments are bound to rage over whether the disappearance of a symptom for a six-month period is a real ‘result’,
and whether the resurgence of different symptoms later on disproves it.
However, what is interesting for psychoanalysts in the proof of efficacy that CBT has undertaken to provide is that CBT is, at least, a psychological therapy and does not fit the neurological/ genetic models of mental disorder used by a large number of psychiatrists these days;
しかし、CBTが提供することを約束した有効性の証明において、精神分析医にとって興味深いのは、CBTは少なくとも心理学的な療法であり、最近の多くの精神科医が使用する精神障害の、神経学的/遺伝的モデルに適合しないことです。 ;
the success of CBT may push the latter group to rethink the assumptions that underlie the DSM.
CBT originated in the United States as a radically different therapy from psychoanalysis and in opposition to it, but the two disciplines are curiously similar in many fundamental ways.
Firstly, like psychoanalysis, CBT depends upon a belief that psychological suffering and dysfunctionality can be alleviated by a purely psychological intervention.
Secondly, the medium used to understand and address the suffering is language.
Thirdly, the treatment mechanism takes the form of sessions during which two individuals in asymmetrical positions interact
– the therapist, because of his/her knowledge, directs the treatment and decides when it ends.
The practitioner must be aware of and take into account the patient’s attitude towards the treatment and also towards him/herself,
and must pay similar attention to his/her own attitude towards the patient, as this could interfere negatively with the success of the treatment.
With very minor rephrasing, all of this looks very similar to some of the tenets of psychoanalysis.
It is therefore possible that far from being undermined by the rise of CBT, psychoanalysis will in the long term benefit from it.
Similarly, it may be precisely the differences between CBT and psychoanalysis that ensure the lasting success of the latter model.
The two approaches differ strongly on several points,
the first of which is the attitude towards symptoms, and the second, the question of the unconscious.
CBT puts the reduction of symptoms as its main aim, while psychoanalysis tends to focus on understanding the cause of the symptom.
Without going into the merits of either position, it is likely that both approaches will suit different people in different types of difficulty.
A person who wants only to quickly reduce their fear of public spaces would probably seek help from a CBT practitioner, while someone who wants to understand the root causes of their miserable love-life may seek help from a psychoanalyst.
CBT is based on a theory that it is not events in themselves that upset us, but the meanings we give them.
However, CBT believes that this meaning is conscious, can be accessed, and is not ambiguous.
If someone says that they feel sorry for a person, they do feel sorry and it is possible that their problem is that they should not;
the therapist then tries to help the patient to see that they are thinking about something in the ‘wrong way’.
The concept of the unconscious, a central Freudian discovery, renders the picture instantly more complex:
 if you say you are sorry for someone it might indeed mean that you are sorry,
but could also mean that you can’t face your own aggressiveness and the fact that you are delighted at what happened to the other.
The question of the existence of the unconscious is crucial,
because if CBT starts to take into account the possibility of unconscious meanings and logic,
then it would become another branch of psychoanalysis.
Perhaps the greater threat to psychoanalysis is the rise of various forms of ‘counselling’.
This is a career that has emerged from diverse roots and in which there is at present no legal minimum qualification necessary for practising.
Training is very varied, with some courses providing quite in-depth and valuable education, but others rather sketchy programmes.
There has been a strong self-help, ‘mutual support’, and ‘client-based’ element in the evolution of the field,
which means that from the very outset, the individual in counselling can expect a ‘sympathetic’ approach;
she/he is presumed to be an ‘offended party’, a ‘victim’, and ‘sinned against’ rather than directly responsible for his/her problem.
It would be wrong to tar all counsellors with the same brush, as it is a field encompassing extremely varied theoretical bases and practices, and as there are some very good and talented counsellors around;
but the semi-professional nature of the field allows it also to hide a multitude of sins.
In its least desirable form, counselling tends to strengthen the individual’s neurotic defences,
trying for example to increase ‘assertiveness’ and ‘self-esteem’, and to support what Lacan would say was the ‘fiction of the ego’.
Counselling has become popular in the United Kingdom, where it is available on the public purse because it is relatively inexpensive,
and it is better that individuals in need of support get some rather than none at all;
after all, the very fact of being listened to by an uninvolved party has a therapeutic function.
However, there is a danger of counselling being used in place of more formalised and rigorous therapies where the latter is necessary,
and with budgetary concerns outstripping human ones, this is unfortunately increasingly the case.
However, differences in opinion between psychoanalysts, cognitive-behavioural therapists, and counsellors are ultimately less important than those between all these people and those who do not believe in any psychological therapies at all.
And because there is a radical opposition between those who see mental and even emotional problems as just the result of biological factors
(genetics, invisible lesions in the brain, etc. )
and therefore treatable by chemical and physical means, and those who see them as resulting from psychological factors, the future of Lacanian theory will always be linked with that of other schools of psychoanalysis and also of all psychological therapies.
In a fiercely competitive therapeutic market-place, it may seem very optimistic (or perhaps even insane) to predict a bright future for a therapy characterised by its refusal to justify itself as a ‘quick fix’,
its doubts as to whether ‘curing’ is actually a desirable goal, and which does not even guarantee sessions of a set duration.
Lacanian analysis is like the bumblebee, which should not fly and yet does.
It attracts more and more psychoanalysts, and these analysts, more and more patients,
perhaps because these individuals have experienced for themselves that it works,
or because what they have heard of it has the ring of truth for them.
Also, clinicians may be attracted to it because it is a work in progress, which leaves them the possibility of developing the theory further.
As suggested in chapter 12, Lacanian patients are a self-selecting group:
 they are not people who want a quick cure for a specific symptom but those in search of deep truths and insights.
However, it must also be said that this does not preclude Lacanian practice from being useful to all manner of patients, from the most extreme clinical cases of psychosis to the mildest neurotics.
Whether practitioners who have to deal with such patients in their daily work (e. g. psychiatrists) will become more interested in Lacanian ideas will depend upon the dissemination of the ideas through publications and academic institutions.
At present, it is only in France that Lacan has a place in psychiatry and clinical psychology,
probably because, until recently, his work was not translated into the current lingua franca (English);
this is a first hurdle that is being gradually overcome.
The second is the difficulty of explaining his theory,
but as with the first point, recent years have seen the publication of more and more books that seek to do this, of which this is one.
These efforts at explanation, the success of Lacanian analysis in practice, and the theoretical work of the Modern Lacanians, should together ensure that the work of this abstruse, infuriating, brilliant, and honest thinker continues to bear fruit for all time.