10 Lacan A Beginner’s Guide

Four Discourses
Four forms of relationship
The Four Discourses appear in Lacan’s Seminar XVII, in 1969;
 they are his attempt to formalise what he had observed of the different ways in which people relate to each other, and of the economy of knowledge and enjoyment (jouissance) in social relationships.
The term ‘discourse’ relates to the organisation of communication between a Subject and an other;
 the four ‘others’ that Lacan has chosen to focus upon are the Master, the University, the Analyst, and the Hysteric.
Lacan drew his formulations from his real-life observations of masters (people in positions of power), universities, psychoanalysts, and hysterical patients;
 however, his formalisations of their relationships with the Subject could be far more widely applied.
The Master could represent anyone in a position of power;
 the University could represent any institution, whether academic, corporate, governmental, or commercial;
 the Analyst may be the person with whom the Subject has a relationship which allows and elicits disclosures that move the Subject towards a deeper personal insight;
 the Hysteric is the person who asks questions about exterior matters out of a position of genuine need and interest,
and who thereby forces the Subject to elucidate matters as if it were the Master.
Also, these four ‘positions’ within the Discourses are not rigidly specific to their titles:
 anyone can and may find themselves, at various points in their lives, in the position of either the speaker or the receiver of any of the Discourses.
The humblest worker will at some point be the Master to someone else;
 you do not need to be at a university to experience the relationship between an institution and someone anxious to attain the status guaranteed by it;
 and the Hysteric’s discourse is, as we shall see, one that we all have to adopt if we are ever to learn anything.
A Subject’s style of communication reveals its relationship with signifiers and its objet petit a;
 the Subject’s structure determines the manner in which it engages in social interactions.
These four discourses illustrate several forms of intersubjective relations;
 they can be seen as a form of clinical description based not on symptoms but on the structure that underlies symptoms.
The Discourses are forms of social interaction in which anybody might participate and do not necessarily have to be uttered by flesh-and-blood people.
Examples of discourses that do not depend on articulation by real people would be the World War I posters of Lord Kitchener saying, ‘Your country needs You!’;
 or advertising slogans, which make use of a plethora of different positions – sometimes the Master, sometimes the University, sometimes even the Hysteric, in an attempt to persuade by seduction.
Lacan’s Discourses are formulated into mathemes, inspired by Hegel’s discourse between master and slave;
 his other main influence here was Marxist economics (perhaps fuelled by the revolutionary atmosphere of France in the late 1960s).
Hegel’s Master–Slave dialectic is a story he created as an attempt to describe and explain the formation of human consciousness out of a dialectic of interpersonal relations.
He suggests that when two individuals meet, they feel challenged by the differences in the other, and that this ‘threat’ to their sense of self is resolved in a struggle that results in one assuming the role of Master, and the other of Slave.
These newly defined identities then deal with reality in different ways:
 the Slave has to learn about it in order to serve the Master and to preserve him/herself as a useful person,
while the Master has only to maintain his/her relationship of superiority over the Slave to ensure his/her survival,
but by the same token becomes increasingly helpless in dealing with the exterior world.
Lacan married this Hegelian myth with the idea of ‘surplus value’ drawn from Marxist economics
– the value added to any raw produce as a result of the labour and knowledge of the workers.
Lacan equated the object cause of desire (l’objet petit a) with surplus value:
ラカンは、欲望の対象原因(l’objet petit a)を剰余価値と同一視しました。
 like the objet petit a, surplus value is the thing constantly sought after which no one can actually have and enjoy;
 the workers produce it by their labour, but must give it up to the capitalist, and the capitalist can’t fully enjoy it either, because she/he is obliged always to reinvest it.
To take the analogy further than this is not particularly fruitful,
but what is interesting is that Lacan’s interest in economic relationships allowed him to formulate a matheme to show the relationship between four elements:
興味深いのは、ラカンが経済的関係に関心を持っていることで、4つの要素間の関係を示すmatheme (数学)作成できることです。
 the agent, the truth, the other, and production (what is produced by the relationship).
This is a particularly efficient way of showing what is the result – the product – of a discourse.

The ‘agent’ in this matheme is the Subject – the ‘giver’ of the discourse;
the ‘other’ is the one to whom discourse is addressed, even if that other is not one particular person.
このmatheme (数学)の「エージェント」は主体であり、言説の「提供者」です。;
The agent also need not be a real person but something represented by a person, or an institution as embodied in a person or people.
Under the message of the agent is hidden the truth, which is masked by the official statement;
and hidden under the other is ‘production’ – what the agent (or Subject) finally gets out of the relationship.
In his first formulation – based upon Hegel’s Master–Slave discourse – the production was the surplus value produced by the ability of the slave, which Lacan equates with object cause of desire;
however, as we shall see in the other Discourses, other kinds of production are the result of different relationships.
Lacan then substituted into this basic mathemethe four elements, S1, S2, $(※斜線を引かれた主体), and a, according to the kind of discourse he is describing.
次に、ラカンは、彼が説明している言説の種類に応じて、この基本的なmathemeに4つの要素、S1、S2 、$(※斜線を引かれた主体)、およびaを置き換えました。
S1 is a signifier that represents the Subject in its relationship with all other signifiers – the ‘master signifier’.
Remember that the master signifiers may be thought of as the signifiers that best define the Subject – they have a central place, like a skeleton, around which the Subject has been constructed.
One could imagine, for example, master signifiers for Julius Caesar being ‘Rome’, ‘civilisation’, ‘discipline’, ‘victory’;
or for Louis Pasteur, ‘Science’, ‘discovery’, etc.
As I have mentioned, the master signifiers have shadowy negative counterparts in the unconscious, but in these Discourses, S1 is the flaunted version:
it is what is perceived to be the most important thing about the person by others; for instance, in the Master’s and in the University’s Discourse.
S2 here represents ‘knowledge’ – in French, ‘savoir’,
which is pure knowledge with a connotation of ‘ability’, as opposed to ‘connaissance’, which in English would suggest knowledge in the sense of familiarity (like knowing a person).
$ is the subject barred by its submission to language and castration, and therefore conscious of its lack and in search of an object cause of desire;
※この $ (S barré エス・バレ)は「斜線を引かれて抹消された主体」です。「斜線を引かれて抹消された主体」とは何か。まず斜線を引かれる前の主体ですが、これは誕生してコトバの世界に入るまでの間、まだ言語にわれわれが侵犯されていない間の一つの身体としての主体を意味しています。身体存在そのものとしての主体をこのように定義するわけです。これは科学的な仮説です。そしてその主体が言語を獲得することによって、言語で構成されてゆく自我に取って代わられ、表舞台すなわち象徴界から抹消されるのです。だから生れ落ちて間もない頃の身体としての主体、本来の身体的なレベルにおける主人公としての主体は、言語の獲得と同時に言語外へ放逐され、言語のなかにあらかじめ用意されている「わたし」「ぼく」「自分」というコトバの鎧によって「自我」という元々の主体とは別の主体が形成される。したがって元々の主体は、象徴の世界、言語の世界、舞台から、消し去られてしまっているという意味で、「斜線を引かれた主体」と呼ばれています。(藤田博史講義「セミネール断章」『治療技法論』2012年1月講義より)
a is the object cause of desire (l’objet petit a) that, in the first Discourse, Lacan gives the status of ‘surplus enjoyment’, in the sense of what is produced by the worker.
a欲望の原因対象(l’objet petit a)であり、最初の言説で、ラカンは労働者によって生み出されたものという意味で「余剰の楽しみ」のステータスを与えます。
The arrows indicate the direction of action in the relationship between members of the algorithm.
There is no direct relationship between $ and a, as the Subject has no direct access to the object of its desire.
主体はその欲求の対象に直接アクセスできないため、$ とaの間には直接の関係はありません。
The Discourse of the Master
This is the first Discourse, which provided the template for the others.
In the Discourse of the Master, the agent/truth/other/production relationship is thus:

The master signifier (of the Master) is the agent of communication and instead of addressing the other, addresses ‘the knowledge’ in his/her place;
in other words, the Master is addressing the other not as a Subject but in his/her functional role
– because of his/her ability or knowledge (as a servant, soldier, artisan, etc.).
An example would be a general in the army addressing precise orders to his troops:
the general speaks not as a human being, but through his master signifiers – Rome/Britain/‘the Motherland’, etc.
– this is what addresses the soldier, who is important only in his knowledge of how to fight.
The truth of the master signifier – that the agent (the general in this case) is actually a barred Subject and as lacking as everyone else – is ‘hidden’;
however, beneath that master signifier, the barred Subject is enjoying the production of the knowledge of the soldiers – he is enjoying the fight they will put up for him.
Another example would be a company boss addressing a hireling – let us say an events organiser.
He orders her to organise a party for him, but it is not the individual he is addressing, it is her expertise in events management.
She receives the order not from the boss as a human Subject, but via his master signifiers as an important and rich employer,
and produces the event,
the success of which feeds back
and is enjoyed by him in his castratedness, assuaging his anxiety.
The Discourse of the University
It is interesting that Lacan chose to speak of the Discourse of the University and not of the Academic (universitaire);
it seems that he wished to make a point about the functioning of institutions, and by extension of the individuals within them in their capacity of incarnating the institution.
He had great experience, after all, of the tendency of people to identify with their institutions, usually to no particularly creative end.
The formulation for this is:

Knowledge – what the institution is supposed to embody – is at the place of the agent;
it addresses the other – here, the objet petit a of a student.
The truth, hidden beneath the embodiment of knowledge, is the master signifier of the institution (which may be ‘important’, ‘historic’, ‘venerable’);
and beneath the object cause of desire is hidden the barred subject, the castratedness of the student, who offers its productions to the knowledge but in fact is motivated by the master signifiers of the institution, which feed into his/her objet petit a.
そして、欲望の原因対象(※l’objet petit a)の下には、禁止された主体($知識にその生産物を提供する学生の去勢性が隠されていますが、実際には、彼/彼女のオブジェクトプチaにフィードする機関のマスターシニフィアンによって動機付けられています。
Knowledge occupies the place of the agent, which addresses itself to the object cause of desire, as the desire for knowledge is, after all, the supposed reason why the student is there.
But in this relationship, one can see that the objet petit a is also, and perhaps as importantly, fed into by the master signifiers of the institution, and these contribute endlessly to the castratedness of the Subject of the student.
Perhaps the student imagines that it can overcome the splitting of his/her Subject by absorbing these master signifiers.
In addressing the knowledge not to the Subject, but to the object cause of desire of the Subject, what is ‘produced’ is, in fact, more castratedness:
the castration of the student seems to be exacerbated by his/her position within the institution.
Beneath the appearance of dispensing knowledge, the University controls the Subject by means of its master signifiers (‘Sorbonne’, ‘honour’, ‘international prestige’, etc.),
and enjoys – as the Master enjoys the fruits of the labours of his Slave – the ‘production’ of the castrated student.
The institution is also guilty of giving the impression to the student that by careful attention and absorption of its master signifiers, she/he may overcome his/her castration.
This is a system of functioning that is common to all institutions:
one can see it at work in corporations, professions, and government departments
indeed in any institution where ‘knowledge’ in some form takes the place of the agent which addresses discourse, and acts as a lure to the other’s desire.
The world is full of individuals who have worked or studied within institutions
and come to realise that they learn more outside,
and that the main interest of the institution is in perpetuating its fantasy of itself – in maintaining, brightly polished, its master signifiers.
It is equally full of people who have adopted the master signifiers of their institutions as their own,
in a position of hysterical identification,
imagining that in belonging to a ‘venerable’ or ‘dynamic’ or ‘powerful’ institution, they too acquire these characteristics.
Others again have been made to feel more and more helpless, small, and castrated by the institution over the years.
The Discourse of the Analyst
The formulation here is:

In this, you can see that the Analyst has accepted becoming, symbolically, the objet petit a of the analysand.
This is one of the most usual roles the analyst has to accept;
he/she is, after all, an empty mirror upon which everything may be reflected,
and when in full transference, the analysand will be addressing his/her object cause of desire.
So now, in this case, in his/her role as the objet petit a,
the Analyst addresses his/her discourse to the castratedness, the anxiety, of the patient,
and his/her questioning pushes the analysand to produce a master signifier which is reflected back to the Analyst,
while the hidden knowledge of the Analyst, in the place of truth, is fed into the castrated Subject, fuelling the production by it of master signifiers.
The Analyst is the ‘Subject-supposed-to-know’, and the knowledge (about the analysand) is ‘hidden’ beneath the Analyst, who appears as the object cause of desire;
but the analysand will discover that the knowledge of its own desire is not held by the Analyst but revealed through its master signifier.
The Analyst does not adopt a position of power like the Master, or of knowledge, like the University, and because of that, is often considered subversive by institutions.
The Discourse of the Hysteric

It must first be pointed out that one doesn’t have to be hysterical in the clinical sense to hold the Discourse of the Hysteric;
indeed, Lacan made it clear that this type of discourse, in non-hysterical people, is precisely what leads to true learning.
Here, the agent of the discourse is the castrated lackingness of the Hysteric; hidden beneath its bar is his/her object cause of desire.
This barred Subject, driven by its objet petit a, addresses the master signifiers of the other, which respond with the production of knowledge, beneath the bar.
It is to the master signifier that the Hysteric addresses his/her questions,
but she/he receives as an answer only the knowledge of that person,
which the Hysteric enjoys for want of anything better, although these answers never constitute a satisfactory response to his/her desire.
The Master’s willingness to answer the questions of the Hysteric is not fuelled by his/her wish to teach but is an effect of the unconscious connection with the objet petit a of the Hysteric, as represented by the oblique arrow.
The hysterical questioning pushes the master signifier up to the limits of its knowledge and leads to the Hysteric’s frustration when this limit is reached.
The Discourse of the Hysteric is held by anyone who is on the path to knowledge;
indeed, Lacan says that the desire for knowledge does not lead to knowledge,
and what does is precisely the Discourse of the Hysteric.
In the Discourse of the University, one can see that the barred subject of the student in fact responds indirectly to the master signifier of the institution, as much as to the knowledge.
The primary relationship of the student is with what is represented by the institution, and not with knowledge;
the student wants to have the status of one who knows, rather than the knowledge itself.
Curiously, the position of the Hysteric, which is incessantly to question the Master, results in the acquisition of knowledge.
While she/he truly wants to know what is his/her object cause of desire, she/he gets fed knowledge instead,
and without setting out to become one who knows, ends up knowing.
This is very much the position adopted by good journalists, when they are in the field.
It is a position that requires (as shown in the barred Subject as the addressing agent) perfect acceptance of one’s ignorance, no great desire to pretend to any other status, and a hunger for the object cause of desire.
It is a position in which the Subject can question the other – who is represented by master signifiers –
with an unquestioning acceptance of the authority of those master signifiers:
this man before me is an Afghan warlord, I expect him to know about his territories …
this woman is a botanist, therefore I must ask her about plants …
Oddly enough, apart from hysterics and journalists, there are not many people who pose questions to others precisely and exhaustively in their true field of expertise:
we do not necessarily respond to the master signifiers of the other, because of other social and unconscious factors.
Indeed, many social relationships require one to ignore the master signifiers of the other:
for instance, if you meet a famous writer at a party, you may feel that interrogating her about her work might be tiresome to her;
if you consult an expert for an opinion (say, on a legal matter),
it is a commercial transaction in which you would be overstepping the boundaries by questioning him about the workings of his field more generally.
The student is in theory permitted to question his/her teachers/superiors in such a way, but in fact rarely does.
This may be because the castratedness she/he feels in relation to the institution is such that she/he feels ‘stupid’ or embarrassed about asking,
or she/he can’t be bothered because what she/he hankers after is the qualification or status the institution will give him/her rather than the knowledge itself,
or if she/he does pose questions these may be designed to ‘show off’ in some bid to identify with the master signifiers of the institution.
It is only those who take up the Hysteric’s discourse – who put their castratedness on the line, as it were, who truly gain knowledge.
The journalist’s role on the other hand requires him/her to adopt the Hysteric’s discourse for long periods of their career,
and the result of this may be that they end up with an encyclopaedic knowledge of a great many things.