
14 Lacan A Beginner’s Guide

Glossary 用語集 agalma a Greek ornamental offering to the gods, which may be a sign of power and object for transmission or exchange. In Plato’s Symposium, the agalma is contained within the person of Socrates, who is portrayed as ugly and…

13 Lacan A Beginner’s Guide

13 After the flood Lacan in the twenty-first century 洪水の後で 21世紀のラカン Let us hope it will last! (Maria-Letizia Ramolino, Napoleon’s mother) それが続くことを願いましょう! (マリア・レティツィア・ラモリーノ、ナポレオンの母親) It i…

12 Lacan A Beginner’s Guide

12 Lacanian practice ラカンの実践 The status of the unconscious, which, as I have shown, is so fragile on the ontic plane, is ethical. 私が示したように、オンティック面では非常に壊れやすい無意識の状態は倫理的です。 In his thirst for truth, …

11 Lacan A Beginner’s Guide

11 Can one train an analyst? アナリストをトレーニングできますか? It was because of Lacan’s personality and practice – in particular the duration of his sessions – that he was denied recognition as a training analyst by the International P…

10 Lacan A Beginner’s Guide

10 Four Discourses 四つの言説(四つのディスクール) Four forms of relationship リレーションシップの4つの形 The Four Discourses appear in Lacan’s Seminar XVII, in 1969; they are his attempt to formalise what he had observed of the differen…

09 Lacan A Beginner’s Guide

9 Gender bending ジェンダーベンディング、屈折 The formula of ‘sexuation’ セクシエーションの定式化 La Femme n’existe pas 女は存在しない For Lacan, it is not the biological reality of sex that determines our gender identity; he saw gender as…

08 Lacan A Beginner’s Guide

8 That obscure object of desire あいまいな欲望の対象 L’objet petit a Desire links Being to Non-Being. 欲望は存在と非存在を結びつけます。 Thought gives rise to desire. 思考は欲望を引き起こします。 (The Rig Vseda) L’objet petit a – the objec…

07 Lacan A Beginner’s Guide

" data-en-clipboard="true"> " data-en-clipboard="true">7 Unspeakable need, unquenchable desire 言葉では言い表せない必要性、消せない欲望 Need, speech, and desire 必要性、スピーチ、そして欲望 You can’t always get what you want, But if you tr…

06 Lacan A Beginner’s Guide

6 Real, Symbolic, Imaginary Freud postulated a model of the psyche in his Topography: フロイトは『局所論』の中で精神のモデルを提唱している。 the first consisting of preconscious, unconscious, and conscious, and the second – the one still m…

05 Lacan A Beginner’s Guide

5 The paternal metaphor The role of the father in the unconscious 父性のメタファー (父性隠喩) 無意識の中での父親の役割 The function of the father in the Oedipus complex is to be a signifier substituted for … the first signifier introduce…

04 Lacan A Beginner’s Guide

4 The Other 大文字の他者 Lacan’s linguistic hypotheses concern the kind of speech an analyst listens for in a patient; he is not a linguist making a general theory of language. ラカンの言語学的仮説は、分析者が患者のどのような話し方に耳を傾…

03 Lacan A Beginner’s Guide

3 In the beginning was the word Structural linguistics and Lacan Lacan’s view was that the characteristic that sets human beings apart from other animals is language: we are speaking beings (parlêtre). ラカンの見解は、人間を他の動物と区別…

02 Lacan A Beginner’s Guide

2 Through the looking glass The Mirror Stage 鏡像段階 Unable as yet to walk or to stand up, and held tightly as he is by some support, human or artificial, he nevertheless overcomes, in a flutter of jubilant activity, the obstructions of h…

01 Lacan A Beginner’s Guide

" data-en-clipboard="true"> " data-en-clipboard="true">1 Lacan in his historical context 彼の歴史的文脈におけるラカン If the 1890s saw the birth of psychoanalysis, then the 1920s saw it reach a kind of adolescence, where across Europe, it …

00 Lacan A Beginner’s Guide

Introduction はじめに Jacques Lacan was first of all a psychiatrist, and as a clinician, he was more concerned with what he did not know or understand than what he did. ジャック・ラカンはまず精神科医であり、臨床医として、自分が知っているこ…