00 Lacan A Beginner’s Guide

Jacques Lacan was first of all a psychiatrist, and as a clinician, he was more concerned with what he did not know or understand than what he did.
His inability to ‘make do’ with a poor explanation led him to consider and explore all models available to psychiatrists in the first part of the twentieth century.
After having worked with some of the most brilliant proponents of organic psychiatry, he found in psychoanalysis the most helpful theoretical model to understand and treat the complex patients he was dealing with.
However, Lacan was to become more than just a disciple of Freud:
he believed that Freudian theory was not a perfect edifice but a work in progress, and wanted to contribute towards what he saw as a developing model.
His attitude towards the development of theory was modern in that he was willing to examine any body of science that could clarify or shed new light on the phenomena he was trying to explain,
and consequently, he drew inspiration from biological psychiatry, genetic psychology, and philosophy; later, structural linguistics, anthropology, and even mathematics joined the range of theoretical models he used.
The result was extraordinary, and its richness has attracted students in fields far from psychoanalysis or psychiatry;
indeed, although Lacan’s model is not a philosophical one, it has become most fashionable among students of philosophy:
one could go so far as to say that in the English-speaking world, it is largely philosophers and academics in English and Critical Studies departments who have kept Lacanian thought alive.
Certainly, in the field from which Lacan himself came – that of psychiatry – his work is mostly ignored.
This may be because philosophers and academics in the humanities are, in one respect, better equipped to deal with his writings than students of psychiatry or psychology:
they are better prepared to try to understand a thinker whose productions are sometimes irritatingly obscure.
There are three reasons behind the obscurity, which arise mostly from the manner in which Lacanian theory was formulated.
Most Lacanian theory has been gathered from Lacan’s spoken teachings;
his technique was that of the philosophers of the classical world, who expounded and developed their ideas in a discourse with their pupils; he wrote very little for publication.
In even the most lucid speaker, transcriptions from speech are often problematic;
the speech of a man who engaged his audience by many means other than pure logical exposition becomes quite obscure when written down.
In order to make his points, Lacan often relied on dramatic devices (the well-timed pause, the leaving of a half-finished thought hanging in the air …), the impact of his own personality, and perhaps most of all, on the ability of his audience to arrive of their own accord at the desired conclusion (by making the final mental connections themselves, as one should in analysis) – and this mode of expression makes frustrating reading.
The only writings Lacan can be held responsible for are his Ecrits, which were, it seems, rather painfully extracted from him by a publisher in 1966; 1
in these, he maintains his abstruse, suggestive style
– leading the reader towards an idea, but never becoming absolutely explicit, unless by means of a ‘matheme’ (see below).
I would also suggest that Lacan’s impenetrable style was due, surprisingly, to a kind of intellectual caution, which made him wary of making sloppy and indefensible pronouncements, and that his fear of being misconstrued, coupled with a natural ineptness in communication, led to him literally tying his meanings up in verbal knots, hedging about every half-statement with half a dozen qualifying sub-clauses, and obsessively weighing each and every word.
Secondly, the controversy that surrounded his working life and the strong passions he engendered in his followers and detractors have made it quite difficult to discover what he actually said:
Lacan became mythologised, even when he was alive.
His seminars – the main arena in which he expounded his ideas – were inherited by Jacques-Alain Miller, his son-in-law and disciple, who has kept tight control over their release.
Some of his most important ideas have never been published, but are only referred to in other works.
Also, he thought on his feet – the ideas expounded in his seminars were never intended to be cast in stone
– and there are contradictions and discrepancies in his recorded utterances
– recorded, it must be noted, by faithful followers subject to their own preconceptions and interpretations.
- また、記録されている彼の発言には矛盾食い違いがあり
- それは、忠実な信奉者が自分の先入観解釈のもとに記録したものであることに注意しなければならない。
Thirdly, Lacan was an inventor of concepts and freely ascribes to common words new meanings within his theoretical model
– just as would a philosopher, or, for that matter, any inventor.
- 哲学者、あるいは他の発明家と同じようにである。
Accordingly, in order to understand his theory, readers must learn to accept new definitions for words, and drop the assumptions they may already have;
acquiring the Lacanian vocabulary is a prerequisite for being able to understand his theoretical models, particularly as they became more and more complex, building upon concepts he invented and named.
This is an intellectual approach that students of philosophy are perhaps more used to than medical students, and which may explain why Lacanian ideas are more often discussed in humanities departments of universities than in a clinical context.
This is a pity, because Lacan’s work, like Freud’s, is not philosophy, but a meta-psychology – a theoretical framework within which to understand the individual.
It is best understood in the context of a therapeutic relationship between an analysand and an analyst:
in other words, a patient and a therapist.
This is why students of pure philosophy may have problems with central Lacanian concepts
– they have not witnessed in a patient what he is talking about;
it is also why clinical practitioners may be able to grasp and apply his concepts intuitively, while being quite unable to explain them in logical terms.
- 彼らは、彼が話していることを患者の中で目撃したことがないのです。
Lacan, despite the fuzziness of his communication style, strove desperately hard for intellectual rigour;
it was perhaps this that made his relationship with words so fraught,
and it was certainly this that drove him increasingly towards mathematical formulae to express without ambiguity what he meant;
but at the end of the day, it is not pure logic but clinical relevance that validates Lacan’s model, and this book attempts to bridge the gap between the two.
Author’s note
As this book is intended for readers without a background in psychoanalysis or psychology, I have introduced concepts early on by way of some deliberate oversimplifications,
and then built upon the understandings so conveyed with the addition of layers of complexity;
I hope that at the end, what is gained by the reader will be a relatively faithful understanding of his ideas.
For the sake of clarity, I have capitalised certain words, which Lacan never did – Real, Imaginary, Symbolic, Subject, Phallus;
this is to avoid any even fleeting ambiguity, as these words also have other commonplace meanings that may intrude as a distraction.
分かりやすくするために、私はラカンが決して使わなかった、現実、想像、象徴、主体、 ファルスといった言葉を大文字で表記しています。
By capitalising these words, I wish to designate these particular, Lacanian meanings,
so that I may use the words with their other meanings, uncapitalised, without risk of confusion.