14 Lacan A Beginner’s Guide

agalma a Greek ornamental offering to the gods, which may be a sign of power and object for transmission or exchange.
In Plato’s Symposium, the agalma is contained within the person of Socrates, who is portrayed as ugly and of no physical value.
Lacan uses the agalma, which is the precious property contained within something whose only value derives from being its container, as a metaphor for the objet petit a – the object cause of desire – which is the quality of desirability to be found in otherwise valueless objects.
agalma 神々へのギリシャの装飾品であり、伝達または交換の力と目的のしるしである可能性があります。
anaclytic the property of leaning on something.
Anaclytic depression is the type defined by René Spitz in 1945 in his study of hospitalised children, which arises from the removal of the child’s main source of support, now called an attachment object.
anaclytic 何かに寄りかかるという性質。
l’autre (the other) what the child at the Mirror Stage first identifies as itself in the mirror.
This is often referred to as ‘the small other’ in English and ‘le petit autre’ in French to emphasise the fact that it is written with a lower-case ‘o’ or ‘a’, which distinguishes it from l’Autre or the Other.
The importance of the concept of the small other is that the child’s identification with it forms a template for its relations with other people, now that it has ‘recognised’ itself as one among them.
l’autre (the other) ミラーステージの子供が最初に鏡の中で自分自身として識別したもの。
これは、英語では「small other」、フランス語では「le petit autre」と呼ばれることが多く、小文字の「o」または「a」で書かれていることを強調しています。これにより、l'Autreまたはthe Other。
l’Autre (the Other) the set of rules and hypotheses into which the Subject is born.
Manifestations of the Other are language and all other symbolic constructs.
l’Autre (the Other) サブジェクトが生まれる一連のルールと仮説。
the Otherの現れは、言語と他のすべての象徴的な構成要素です。
castration the symbolic loss of an imaginary object, the Phallus.
Castration is the acceptance that one is less than perfect, limited, not all-powerful and able to control or satisfy the world.
Castration is therefore a symbolic process which allows the child to situate itself within the Law, and to accept that its own desires are not paramount.
Castration is the central source of neurotic anxiety.
castration 架空のオブジェクト、ファルスの象徴的な喪失です。
desire the result of the failure of speech to express what the Subject lacks.
desire (of the analyst) what the analyst expects the analysand to achieve, and which supports the analytical process.
desire 主体が欠けているものを表現するためのスピーチの失敗の結果。
desire (of the analyst)アナリストが被分析者に何を達成することを期待し、それが分析プロセスをサポートするかを望む。
discourse what is said by someone, which is determined by the particularities of the Subject in its relationship with signifiers and objects.
discourse シニフィアンとオブジェクトとの関係における、主体の特殊性によって決定される、誰かが言うこと。
foreclosure to foreclose is to close beforehand – to bar access absolutely.
When applied to the paternal metaphor, foreclosure is the failure of the Subject to ‘cross the bar of metaphor’ and thereby to access the realm of the Symbolic.
For Lacan, foreclosure formed the basis of psychosis.
foreclosure 差し押さえとは、事前に閉鎖することです–アクセスを絶対に禁止します。
Imaginary one of Lacan’s three ‘realms’ or orders of the psyche; in this text, capitalised to distinguish it from the commonplace use of ‘imaginary’.
The Imaginary is named for the mental processes that issue from the encounter between the infant and its image in the mirror; it is the realm of the senses in that it houses the conceptions that issue directly from sensorial perception.
Because of the Mirror Stage, it is also the order of conceptualisations and functioning that proceeds from the body’s image.
Imaginary ラカンの3つの「領域」または精神の秩序の1つ。 このテキストでは、「想像」の一般的な使用と区別するために大文字で表記しています。
jouissance usually translated as ‘enjoyment’ or ‘usage’ in English.
In Lacanian thought, jouissance has the advantage of denoting not the satisfaction that arises from the attainment of a goal, but a form of enjoyment derived from the usage of something in its legitimate (intended) way
– the pleasure that comes with the functioning of the physical or psychological apparatus associated with a drive.
This distinguishes this type of enjoyment from the pleasure obtained from the satisfaction of a need, which, unlike jouissance, reduces tension.
jouissance ジュイサンス 通常、英語で「楽しみ」または「使用法」と翻訳されます。
matheme a formula for expressing a psychoanalytical concept in pseudo-mathematical form.
A matheme should hold true for all variables within it.
matheme 精神分析の概念を疑似数学的な形で表現するための公式。
méconnaissance this has in other works been translated as ‘misrecognition’, but this term implies that something has been wrongly recognised.
I believe that what Lacan meant by it was ‘obliviousness’, as in having a ‘blind spot’ with regard to something.
Hence, the Subject may be oblivious to its own intentions or meanings.
méconnaissance これは他の作品では「誤認識」と訳されていますが、この用語は何かが誤って認識されたことを意味します。
Mirror Stage the point in the child’s development at which it recognises its own image in the mirror, which marks an importance step in the formation of the Subject.
At this point, the infant moves from perceiving itself in a fragmentedway to having a unified image of itself as an entity.
Mirror Stage  子どもの発達の中で、鏡の中の自分のイメージを認識するポイントです。これは、対象の形成における重要なステップを示します。
Name-of-the-Father the signifier that comes to stand for the Phallus in the paternal metaphor.
Name-of-the-Father 父性のメタファー(父性隠喩)でファルスを表すようになる記号表現。
l’objet petit a the object cause of desire.
’objet petit a 欲望の原因対象。
la passe a process by which Lacanian analysts were judged for accreditation.
Lacan invented this process to try to overcome some of the weaknesses in the accreditation process of other schools of psychoanalysis.
In la passe, the candidate has to give an account of his/her analysis and what she/he has understood to two other people, who then ‘report’ to a jury, describing what they have heard.
la passe ラカン派のアナリストが認定を受けるのために審査されるプロセス。
la passeでは、候補者は自分の分析と、自分が理解したことを他の2人に説明し、他の2人は審査員に「報告」して、聞いたことを説明する必要があります。
Phallus signifier associated with the idea of the object of the mother’s desire and therefore a supposed ‘perfect object’, which becomes the object of primary repression, and which is a precursor of the objet petit a.
Phallus 母親の欲望の対象、したがって「完全な対象」とされる概念に関連したシニフィアンであり、第一次抑圧の対象となるもので、objet petit a 前身となるもの。
Real one of the ‘realms’ or ‘orders’ of the psyche.
The Real is what is expelled when a signifier becomes attached to some morsel of reality; it is the bit that the signifier fails to capture.
For everything that comes into our field of recognition by means of a signifier, something of it must remain imperceptible, unsymbolised.
This is the Real.
Real 精神の「領域」または「秩序」の1つ。
sexuation the way in which men and women relate to their own gender and to questions of castration and gender difference.
sexuation 男性と女性が自分の性別や去勢や性差の問題にどのようにかかわっているか。
signified the idea that is represented by a word – half of the Saussurian linguistic sign.
signified 言葉で表現されるイデアーSaussurian 言語記号の半分。
signifier the signal that carries an idea to form a word; in linguistics, a sound-image – half of the Saussurian linguistic sign.
signifier 言葉を形成するためのイデアを伝える信号;言語学では音像–Saussurian の半分。
sinthome an aspect of the Subject’s structure, which produces symptoms through the action of the specific configuration of its signifier chain on the Real.
It is represented as a fourth circle on the Borromean knot, holding the Imaginary with the Symbolic and Real.
sinthome サントーム 主体の構造の一面。現実界シニフィアンチェーンの特定の構成のアクションを通じて症状を生成するもの。
Symbolic a ‘realm’ or ‘order’ of the psyche, which holds language, the Other – all the rules and hypotheses that organise human society and thought.
Theunconscious also belongs to the realm of the Symbolic, as it is constituted of repressed signifiers.
Symbolic 精神の「領域」または「秩序」であり、言語、the Other-人間社会や思考を組織化するすべての規則や仮説を保持している。
the Thing a formulation of Freud’s to describe what is ‘characterised by the fact that it is impossible for us to imagine’;
it is the object of loss, which attracts desire, although it is not itself the object of desire.
For Lacan, the Thing exists outside of language and the Symbolic – it is ‘the first thing that separated itself from everything the subject began to name and articulate’; 1
he also equates it with the forbidden aspect of the mother.
the Thing 「私たちが想像することが不可能であるという事実によって特徴付けられる」ものを説明するためのフロイトの形式化;
topology the branch of mathematics that studies the properties of a space that are preserved under continuous deformations.
Because it involves finding properties that remain constant no matter how much the appearance of the space changes, it is an attractive model to a psychoanalyst looking for consistency of factors in the bewildering complexity of the human psyche and its interactions.
topology 連続的な変形の下で保存される空間の特性を研究する数学の分野。