08 Lacan A Beginner’s Guide

That obscure object of desire
L’objet petit a
Desire links Being to Non-Being.  
Thought gives rise to desire.  
(The Rig Vseda)
L’objet petit a – the object cause of desire
One of Lacan’s most famous concepts is that of l’objet petit a
 ラカンの最も有名な概念のひとつに、「l'objet petit a」というものがあります。
– translated in English as ‘small a object’ despite the fact that the ‘a’ in question represents the French word ‘autre’, which in English would be ‘other’,
so that perhaps ‘small o object’ would be more correct.
- 英語では「small a object」と訳されていますが、問題の「a」はフランス語の「autre(その他)」を表しています。英語では「other」となるので、「small o object」の方が正しいかもしれません。
However, too many writers have used ‘small a object’ for this change to be made now,
and this text will use the French term, l’objet petit a, which has the advantage of maintaining the link with the idea of le petit autre.
ただし、この変更を現在行うには、あまりにも多くのライターが「small a object」を使用しています。
このテキストでは、フランス語の用語l’objet petit aを使用します。これには、le petit autreのアイデアとのリンクを維持できるという利点があります。
The main importance of it, whatever it is called, is that it is the object cause of desire.
For the genesis of the term l’objet petit a, we must return to the Mirror Stage.
 l’objet petit aという用語の起源については、鏡像段階ミラーステージに戻らなければなりません。
The petit a (petit autre) is the ‘small other’, the image the baby recognises as its own in the mirror and with which it forms a powerful relationship of identification.
 petit a(petit autre)は「small other」であり、赤ちゃんが鏡の中で自分自身として認識する画像であり、それと強力な同一化を形成します。
Lacan first mentions the petit a in a seminar in 1955, and places it in the Imaginary realm
– the part of the psyche which holds the child’s sensuous, self-centred fantasies of the world.
 ラカンは1955年のセミナーで最初にpetit に言及し、それを想像界の領域に配置します
In its identification with other human beings, many ‘small others’ come into being in the child’s world,
and become the objects onto which all kinds of ideas and fantasies may be affixed.
 他の人間との同一化において、多くの「small other(小さな他者)」が子供の世界に存在するようになります。
There is from here a small step to be made from the small other to ‘small other objects’.
In a seminar in 1957, the objet petit a begins to take on the meaning of the object of desire, which means not this or that specific object that you think you desire, but what is aimed at or sought after that seems to be contained within a particular object
– for convenience, one may begin to think of it as the ‘desirable quality’ of the object, or what is desirable in the real-world object.
‘The object of desire in the usual sense is either a fantasy which supports the desire, or a lure. ’ 1
Lacan specifies here that the objet petit a is the ‘imaginary cause of desire’ rather than ‘what the desire tends towards’, to emphasise
that this is not a ‘real-world object’ (a thing), but an object in the sense of ‘object relations’
– that is, the vehicle upon which a function is exercised (the breast, the stool, the genitalia), and whose relational properties (e. g. controllability for the stool, excitability for the genitalia) form the basis of the different kinds of relationship one may have with the exterior world.
Lacan never suggested that the objet petit a was derived from part objects,
only that real-world objects which have something of the properties of part objects are often the ‘receptacles’ for the objet petit a.
For example, money shares the property of the stool (the object of the anal function) in being something that may be lost or retained,
the unexpected loss of which may be a cause of anxiety,
the ‘spending’ of which may be a cause of enjoyment in its own right (how common is the phenomenon of ‘spending money for its own sake’?),
and the giving and retention of which both have meaning for other people.
In other words, it is not money in itself that is an object cause of desire,
but its stool-like properties make it a very good receptacle for the object cause of desire.
The objets petit a may be seen as a fragment of the Phallus, which arises from castration,
when the child understands that the Phallus is possessed neither by itself nor its father, nor yet any living person.
However, the lost Phallus cannot be forgotten – the Subject knows it must have existed from the fact that it has lost it.
The Phallus leaves traces of itself everywhere – a little like the mirror of the Snow Queen in the fairy tale,
which breaks into a thousand pieces that lodge themselves in objects and people.
These Phallic fragments are the objet petit a – the object cause of desire – and can be found in many things:
 これらのファルスの断片は、オブジェクトプチa –欲望の原因対象–であり、多くのことに見られます。
fast cars, the latest technological gadget, the ‘perfect’ cocktail dress
… and in other people – a woman who hankers after the love of a powerful man may well be attracted to the Phallic fragment he appears to possess.
This versatility of representation is conferred by the signifier to which the Phallus is attached in the paternal metaphor, which can be substituted for others.
Furthermore, because the desire of the child is to have the Phallus for the mother,
so in later life, this desire may be transformed into the desire either to have it sometimes for its own sake, or to be the possessor of it for a new beloved object.
The dynamics of this new relationship will therefore depend upon the beloved object also being castrated, and desiring the Phallus, which the Subject seeks to possess in order to ‘win’ her/him.
(As you will see in the next chapter,
it is usually but not exclusively the man who tries to be the Phallus bearer for the woman, whose role is to want to believe that he may have it. )
The quest to possess the Phallic fragment is a well-spring of creativity and effort:
the search for the solution to the insoluble maths problem,
to invent a new chess strategy, to perfect your skill at the piano, to discover the structure of DNA
… The pursuit of the Phallus is qualitatively different from the pursuit of fame or social recognition,
as it is object-focused (or objective-focused) rather than purely narcissistic (although there will necessarily be a narcissistic element in everything we do):
it is to do with the attempt to incorporate in oneself the Phallic fragment.
In a seminar in 1960–61, Lacan formulated a metaphor to explain the objet petit a in its relation with real-world objects:
he used the term agalma, drawn from Plato’s Symposium,
which in Greek means ornament or offering to the gods.
The agalma is contained inside a box which itself is of no value.
Thus, the objet petit a is the agalma – the precious thing – inside a box which may have many forms, none of which is very important.
Lacan comes to the idea of the agalma by way of his interest in the desire exhibited by Alcibiades in Plato’s text.
In the Symposium, Alcibiades describes how he, as a beautiful youth, tried to seduce Socrates, despite the old man’s ugliness,
because he had seen the ‘divine and golden images of such fascinating beauty’ within him.  2
All the properties of goodness, courage, and wisdom were contained within the unlikely receptacle of the Silenus-like old Socrates
– a receptacle of no value, and indeed the object of Alcibiades’ mockery.
- それは価値のない容器であり、まさにアルキビアデスの嘲笑の対象であった。
In the Symposium, Socrates never yields to the temptations of Alcibiades,
who, ‘by exhibiting his own object as castrated, flaunts the fact that he is imbued with desire …
for someone else who is present, Agathon’.  3
In this Platonic story, therefore, are the fundamentals of the dynamics of desire:
its ultimate but unattainable object is the agalma within Socrates,
its subject is the castrated (symbolically – wanting, drunken, and demanding) Alcibiades,
who uses as a lure for a secondary object of desire (Agathon) his own desire or neediness,
which he knows makes him desirable.
This last point is not negligible.
As mentioned a little earlier, sexual and love relationships depend upon a dynamic in which the object of desire must be in search of the Phallus in the Subject
(or the other way around – the Subject must want to believe the love-object has the Phallus
and must, like Alcibiades, flaunt its castratedness as a lure for it).
It is only too common to observe the attractiveness that helplessness in a woman has for a would-be prince (‘I’m so bad at maths!’ is a common cry of the siren),
whom she allows to play the part of the Phallus bearer
(‘James is so good with business plans – I just leave it all to him’):
or the other way around – Lacan pointed out that these are roles of choice and not biological determination.
On a more obvious sexual level, most pornographic (and sub-pornographic – increasingly common in everyday life) images are based upon the presentation of a woman not as a plastically beautiful object
but as a Subject in a state of desire for the literal and Freudian phallus:
it is her imagined desire (and her desire to be desired in an endless game of mirrors) that causes desire.
On a more general note, because it is the root of creation, desire is desirable in itself, and is cherished by its Subject.
All writers, musicians, and artists harbour a deep fear of losing desire, for they know that with it will go their creativity.
As Oscar Wilde said:
‘In this world, there are only two tragedies:
one is not getting what one wants:
the other is getting it. ’
The resistance of patients in analysis to being cured is, Lacan says, usually nothing more (or less) than the desire to sustain desire.
Desire has been involved in the foundation of the Subject,
and is also the guiding hand in the inscription of the symptom, and the sinthome within it:
the fear of losing one’s desire is, for Lacan, utterly reasonable and not to be discounted when one undertakes an analysis.
Desire is a structuring force within the Subject
The first receptacle (or representation) for the Phallus was the Name-of-the-Father:
or if we return to our algebraic form,
the Phallus was first hidden beneath the signifier of the Name-of-the-Father.
In addition, the Phallus, being a signified, itself had a signifier which has been repressed.
But signifiers are subject to substitution, so let us make one:

The object cause of desire replaces the Phallus beneath the bar:
the representatives of the signified desire have changed, even though the desire remains the same.
Above the bar of metaphor, the Name-of-the-Father is replaced by a master signifier.
Remember, because this is a metaphorical structure in which a signifier has been expelled,
there is still this ‘lost’ and ‘unstable’ signifier in the unconscious – the never-quite-determined representation of the Phallus:
this is what gives the objet petit a its elusive quality.
The Name-of-the-Father is an object of identification for the Subject, as well as the representative of the Other:
it is central to the construction of both Subject and its ego.
It is the signifier that the Subject can enunciate as representing the object of desire:
the master signifiers that take its place will have exactly the same character.
This is why Lacan attributes such an important structural role to the master signifiers as being the backbone upon which the Subject is built.
Consider the following example:
A man loves sailing and has built much of his image and identity around this:
many of his desires revolve around the sea and sailing and the sort of society that goes with it
– all this is observable in his choices of clothes, homes, women, etc.
‘Sailing’ is among his master signifiers.
In his early life, this man’s father was a keen sailor, and in his identification with his father and fierce rivalry with his brothers for his father’s attention,
the boy’s skill at the helm became his main ‘weapon’ of power – his representation of the Phallus (or objet petit a).
If you think of how the Name-of-the-Father hides the true object of the mother’s desire (who was, after all a seaman),
one can easily see how ‘sailing’ has replaced the Name-of-the-Father as the metaphorical representation of the object of desire.
Desire exists in tension with anxiety,
and the ultimate object of desire and power exists in tension with the ultimate anxiety-creating lack of it
(which could be experienced as total helplessness in the face of incomprehensible persecution).
We could postulate that they fit like lock and key in this formulation:
object cause of desire → lack-cause-of-anxiety
Just as the primordial desirable object is the Phallus, the primordial lack that causes anxiety could be seen as the castration.  4
Lacan represents the castrated subject as (sometimes referred to as the barred Subject):
in the way in which it is used, can be thought of as signifying the castratedness of the Subject.
I mentioned in chapter 3 that master signifiers exist in negative and positive forms (like a photograph)
– for every master signifier that is articulated by the Subject,
there is its negative match that is repressed:
likewise for what happens beneath the signifiers’ bars in this formulation, which is my own:

Just as there is a tension between the signifiers S1 and S2,
there is the same between the repressed signifiers associated with the object cause of desire and the lack-cause-of-anxiety.
If we return to the little girl whose master signifiers included ‘lucky’,
we can see that the repressed signifier was ‘unlucky’
and where her object cause of desire was to be lucky, her anxiety was that she wasn’t.
Of course, I am over-simplifying enormously, as this explanation takes no account of the repressed ‘unstable’ signifiers:
in reality, ‘lucky’ was a master signifier that was closely linked in a signifying chain with ‘best’ (as in ‘I’m so lucky, we always go to the best place on holiday – Cornwall’, etc. ).
It is the job of analysis to trace these signifier chains – ‘best’ was the tip of the iceberg whose hidden part was ‘second best’, which is what the girl felt in relation to her brother.
Her objet petit a – associated with being ‘the best’ at everything and having ‘the best’ of everything – was pursued in opposition to her anxiety about being second best – not as good.
It is around these master signifiers that the Subject is constructed, and one can see,
if one takes Lacan’s view that the ego is the fiction you tell yourself about yourself,
the structural role played in the building of the ego by the relationship between the object cause of desire and the master signifiers.
The little girl’s ego identity was that of excellence – competitive excellence rather than excellence for its own sake.
Her competitiveness in all things was remarked by teachers and family members alike:
she fluctuated in temper between cheerful – sometimes manic – optimism and outbursts of rage:
and if she couldn’t be ‘the best’ at something,
she would derogate it as not being worthwhile.
Just as the master signifiers are substitutes for the Name-of-the-Father,
the object cause of desire replaces the lost Phallus as the only thing that can answer the subject’s lack that causes anxiety.
I hope this final example will show clearly the relationship between these elements:
A woman in her forties suffered chronic insomnia, caused by her inability to stop thinking, or to ‘switch off her mind’.
She was a mathematician by career, and her master signifiers included ‘rationality’ and ‘logic’:
she was almost exasperatingly rational.
Beneath the bar of her master signifiers was hidden her great desire for a rational universe, for achievable solutions to problems:
the Phallic enjoyment of her life revolved around this.
Analysis revealed a childhood in which she had suffered greatly from a mother whose apparently illogical decisions had cost the family greatly
and whose ‘childish irrationality’ was a great source of suffering and anger to the child,
who proceeded to build her own personality around the signifier and the objects that she felt were her best defence.
Beneath the bar of ‘irrationality’ in her unconscious was, as ever, the anxiety of the helplessness – castratedness – she had experienced as a result of it as child.
Because there is jouissance in the functioning of the psychological apparatus,
part of the woman’s problem was that she enjoyed thinking too much (in her insomniac moments, she would solve chess problems in her mind).
The defence mechanism she had developed in childhood against the anxiety caused by her helplessness against irrationality had got out of control:
her jouissance was transgressing both the pleasure and the reality principles.
The insomnia became particularly bad whenever situations arose that caused her to re-experience castration anxiety:
difficulties at work that she could not ‘solve’ however much she thought would cause her completely sleepless nights,
resulting in exhaustion and a vicious circle of not being able to think clearly, and feeling even more anxious about this.
In chapter 12, I shall discuss how Lacanian analysis deals with this system of anxiety/desire/signifiers/Subject.
The Thing
Desire is also associated with a manifestation which may largely belong to the Real
– the Thing (das Ding), which is also beyond representation
– but not in the same way as it is with the objet petit a or the Phallus.
– Thing(das Ding)、これも表象を超えています
※もの【〈物〉】des Ding フロイト心的装置(体験を意識可能なものに翻訳するシステム) において、決定的に取り逃がされてしまうものがあるが、ここで逃がされたものが、ラカンの〈物〉に相当する。人間がシニフィアンと関わり言語世界に参入する際に、もはや取り返しのつかないような形で失われてしまう原初的対象。到達不可能な現実界水準のもの。言語システムそのものである、快感原理の彼岸への到達(享楽)によって〈物〉に到達できるというのは、或る意味でファンタスムでしかない。しかし、にもかかわらず、〈物〉は断罪・罪悪感として断片的に侵入してくる(神経症では〈物〉を別の形に加工することによって、精神病では他者からの非難という妄想に組み入れることによって)
The Thing attracts desire perhaps because it is the object of loss itself:
the unsymbolisable and unimaginable reality of loss.
‘In reality, desire through the object … [is only] the Thing, of which he neither has nor ever will have any representation,
which is not a goal because it will never be reached,
but around which all our representations, all our affects never stop gravitating. ’ 5
Das Ding is a formulation of Freud’s to describe what is ‘characterised by the fact that it is impossible for us to imagine’,
but it is also mainly characterised by its absence.
 Das Dingは、「我々が想像することが不可能であるという事実によって特徴づけられる」ものを表現するためのフロイト形式化であるが、
In 1895, Freud suggested that a part of the neuropsychic apparatus was shared by a configuration of neurones carrying the memories of an object and a configuration invested by current perceptions of that object:
he suggested that das Ding was produced by the inconsistencies between the two.
そして、この2つの間の不整合によって「das Ding」が生まれることを示唆しました。
The Thing is therefore what produces that feeling of ‘This is not how I remembered it to be – something is irretrievably lost but I could not possibly say what it is. ’
The main property of the Thing is to be lost.
In bringing the Thing into Lacanian theory,
we have to return to Lacan’s attempts to reconcile some Freudian formulations with his own.
Freud made a distinction between Wortvorstellungen, word-presentations, and Sachvorstellungen, thing-presentations:
both are bound together in his preconscious-conscious system,
whereas in Freud’s idea of the unconscious, only thing-presentations are found.
However, Lacan points out that this is not a contradiction of his own conviction that the unconscious is made up of signifiers,
because there are two words in German for ‘thing’ – das Ding and dieSache.
なぜなら、ドイツ語には「物」を表す2つの言葉、das DingdieSacheがあるからである。
Die Sache is the symbolic representation of a thing, whereas das Ding is the thing in the real, which is ‘the beyond-of-the-signified’.
 Die Sacheはある物事の象徴的な表象であるのに対し、das Dingは「シニフィエの向こう側」である現実の中のモノである。
Therefore, the Sachvorstellungen or thing-presentations in Freud’s conception of the unconscious may be equated with signifiers, as opposed to das Ding, which is outside language and the unconscious.
 したがって、フロイトの無意識の概念におけるSachvorstellungenすなわち物の提示は、言語と無意識の外にあるdas Dingとは対照的に、シニフィアンと同一視されるかもしれない。
Freud’s Thing is the object of yearning, of desire:
it creates jouissance, and is the object of language, while being unsymbolisable.
We seek to approach it all the time in what we say,
but we can only circle it.
Freud held that the Thing was the ‘sovereign good’ to which subjects aspire,
but which is always unattainable,
because attaining it would transgress the reality principle and will be experienced as suffering or evil.  6
In the end, therefore, Freud concluded that there was no ‘sovereign good’,
because attaining it would be the ultimate evil.
Lacan’s innovation was to equate the Thing with the mother
– not the real mother, obviously, but the mother-who-is-lost: the absence of mother.
- 明らかに本当の母親ではなく、失われた母親である。母の不在である。
‘It is as a function of this beyond-of-the-signified [the Thing] and of an emotional relationship to it
that the subject keeps its distance
and is constituted in a kind of relationship characterised by primary affect, prior to any repression. ’ 7
Lacan implies here that the Subject is constituted by its separation from and emotional relationship with the Thing,
which is unsymbolisable and therefore cannot be repressed.
This relationship with the Thing is so charged with the primary affects characteristic of the mother–baby relationship that he goes on:
‘the whole development of the mother/child inter-psychology
– and that is badly expressed in the so-called categories of frustration, satisfaction and dependence
– is nothing more than an immense development of the essential character of the maternal thing, of the mother, insofar as she occupies the place of the Thing’.  8
- 欲求不満、満足、依存のいわゆるカテゴリーにひどく表現されている。
The obvious value of studying the matter by focusing on the Thing aspect of the mother rather than any real mothers is that in the absence of real mothers, the Thing, as an imaginary object, persists in the Subject’s psyche, and will continue to operate in its own right.
The Thing is that which in the Real, the primordial real … suffers from the signifier
– and you should understand that it is a Real that we do not yet have to limit, the Real in its totality,
both the Real of the subject and the Real he has to deal with as exterior to him …
this Thing was there from the beginning …
it was the first thing that separated itself from everything the subject began to name and articulate. 9
I would postulate that if a primary characteristic of the Thing is to be unsymbolised and unsymbolisable, then perhaps the Thing is what is lost at the point of birth:
the environment in utero, a state in which the baby had no needs, because all its needs were being met by the functioning of the mother.
At birth, the change in environment and the development of physical needs (to feed, toexcrete) creates a situation in which the baby ‘remembers’ vaguely that there was another way of being,
but nothing of it, for without anything to compare it with (in the absence of dialectical possibility) it could never be represented.
それと比較するものは何もありません。 (弁証法可能性がない場合)それを表現することはできませんでした。
The Thing is therefore by its nature only conceptualised after the event of its loss,
and the lost object was never and could never be symbolised.
It is thus a representation of an unrepresented object – a representation of pure loss.
Because the concept of the Thing is created by the polarities between presence and absence,
it is outside the Symbolic but exists at the point at which the Imaginary touches the Real.
Although the Thing has something of the effects of the objet petit a, or the Phallus, the distinction of its origins gives it a special flavour.
Where the objet petit a arises from the Phallus, and thereby indirectly from the desire of the mother,
the Thing arises from the primary affects of a relationship with what is not-yet-represented – the unforgettable-but-already-forgotten other.
To return to a total enjoyment of this phantasmatic mother – this mother-as-world – would require a dismantling of the Subject – a kind of regression to a pre-language state that is simply impossible.
Because the Subject is brought into being by signifiers, and the Thing exists outside the Symbolic realm,
absolute jouissance in the Thing would require an exit from the realm of signifiers, which is the realm of subjectivity,
and the Subject itself would be erased, annihilated.
The other important thing in equating the Thing with the mother (even if it is the absent and impossible mother), is that this highlights its inaccessibility as an object of total jouissance because of the taboo of incest.
This conception of incest towards the mother makes it the most fundamental incest taboo
– a point of difference between Lacan and Lévi-Strauss, who considered only the prohibition of incest with the father in the building of his structures of kinship.
But for Lacan, the danger of incest with the mother is far greater:
after all, what is the most intimate thing for a Subject, and yet the most threatening, in terms of its potential to block its access to the Symbolic?
 The mother is in many ways the gatekeeper of the Symbolic
– it is her presence/absence that creates the polarities in which proto-thinking can begin,
it is she who embodies the Other, and only she can invoke the Name-of-the-Father.
- 彼女の存在/不在が、原初的な思考を始めるための両極性を生み出し、
Therefore, the mother – structurally inaccessible, signified as prohibited,
and imagined by the baby Subject as the sovereign good
– constitutes, in her absence and in the impossibility of fully accessing her, the Thing.
The Thing is therefore an object of transgression,
which is observable in behaviours that begin as seeking jouissance, and end in self-destruction.
The Thing may be thought of as the object of the death drive:
those who seek oblivion in heroin or people who strangle themselves in the name of sexual excitement may be acting out their search for the Thing.
The search for the Thing exists in tension with the pursuit of the Phallus, and of the objet petit a:
The Thingの探求は、Phallusやobjet petit a(オブジェクト・プチ・アー)の追求との間に緊張関係があります。
this dynamic of tensions set up between the different objects can be seen as the sum of the forces of creativity.
Desire and the Borromean knot
The component that belongs in the Real is the drive, or drives, which were mentioned in chapter 6.
It is important to make the point that the erotic drive and sexual desire are not the same thing:
in common parlance (and sometimes even within psychoanalytic circles) they are often spoken of as if they were synonymous,
or as if sexual desire was merely the erotic drive focused upon an object.
While the latter statement is not untrue,
sexual desire is also more than that, and the formulation itself begs the questions:
What object?  And by what mechanism is the drive focused?
 At the very beginning of the infant’s life, sexual desire does not exist
– it can come into being only after the Subject’s entry into the symbolic realm:
at this point, any stirrings in the genitalia are merely an effect of a drive, in its Real state.
Imagine a hypothetical human infant, isolated from all human society.
In the unlikely event of its surviving,
the manifestation of the erotic drive in its genitalia can be answered by masturbation,
but it would be masturbation without any link to arousing imaginings:
a purely physical response devoid of fantasy – perhaps not even a very pleasurable act.
That would be a response to the erotic drive that is devoid of sexual desire:
it is outside human society and is entirely hypothetical:
even severely mentally disturbed children would not function in this way,
as they are likely to have entered in some degree into the Imaginary realm.
The child’s Imaginary realm develops almost as soon as it is born.
It is linked closely with the sensuous world of the mother, at first by means of the breast and other part objects.
For the sake of convenience, let us here think of the Imaginary as a primordial perception-based conception of Otherness.
The infant that is at the stage of l’Autre jouissance develops object relations in its Imaginary realm:
「l'Autre jouissance」(他者の享楽)の段階にある幼児は、その想像界の領域で対象の関係を発達させます。
its hypotheses at this point are entirely self-centred,
but it is able to link sensation with exterior objects and to begin to form hypotheses about these objects.
At this point, the erotic drive as experienced in its genitalia comes to be associated with the enjoyment of something exterior to self:
the infant recognises that the gratification comes from a relationship with another object, although the source of the arousal is still a purely internal drive.
It is at this point, therefore, that the foundation for desire is laid
– for without the recognition of objects and their potential for giving pleasure or causing frustration, there can be neither anxiety nor desire.
- なぜなら、対象物を認識し、その対象物が喜びを与えたり不満を引き起こしたりする可能性がなければ、不安も欲求も存在しないからである。
The final thread – the Symbolic – comes with the child’s entry into language
– as it gradually becomes a ‘speaking being’, functioning within human society.
- それが徐々に「話す存在」になり、人間社会の中で機能するようになります。
Once the child enters into the symbolic realm by means of the discourse of the Other,
erotic arousal (but not yet desire) will become attached to other human figures by means of speech.
However, desire is created by the failure of the Other to fully and satisfactorily symbolise the erotic need.
As you will remember, the essential property of the Real is that is cannot be symbolised
– it will always elude language or any other form of representation.
We have now, in the knot of the Symbolic, Imaginary, and Real, the mould in which desire is cast:
in the impossibility of the Other (on the thread of the Symbolic) to symbolise the drive (on the thread of the Real),
tied into the fantasies built up in object relations of the Imaginary
(which for the most part are buried in the unconscious, but which, given enough time on the analyst’s couch, may emerge as a signifying chain).
The object cause of desire, arising as it does from the acceptance of the paternal metaphor (castration),
may be located at the point of contact between the three threads.
The mathematics of desire
As the cause of desire the objet petit a appears in the formula of fantasy:

 This shows the relationship between the subject of the unconscious,
divided by its entry into the universe of signifiers and the objet petit a, the unconscious cause of its desire.
The slash on the S represents the division of the Subject caused by its entry into language.
The objet petit a is shown as something lost, an empty place,
a gap that the Subject will try to plug all its life with various imaginary objects determined by the Subject’s history,
and in particular its encounters with the signifiers and fantasies of others.
The lozenge shape represents the fantasmatic relationship of the barred Subject with its objet petit a.
Lacan used the topology of the ‘torus’ – the rubber tubing inside a tyre
– to explain the chaining of desire to the desire of the Other (see Figure 2).
- 欲望が他者の欲望に連鎖することを説明しています(図2参照)。
If you look at Figure 3 below, the desire of the Subject (the child) is like the ring on its side that circles around the desire of the mother (the ring lying flat),
which in itself circles around something entirely elsewhere (the hollow centre of the ring lying flat).
The desire of the child is produced by the gap between the demand it makes upon the mother for love, which appears like a cut on the plane of the ring representing the child, and what the mother actually wants, which is in the hole.
You then have to think of this torus, which symbolises the relationship between the desire of the Subject (child) and the desire of the mother, as tied to the torus of the desire of the Other in this way.

Figure 2 A torus

Figure 3 Two interlocking toruses
Therefore the desire of the Subject circles, without knowing it, the desire of the Other, by means of its circling what it thinks is the desire of the mother.
In this way, what the Subject desires is the desire of the Other.
The mutually exclusive cohabitation of love and desire
When Freud talks about choice of object or love object, it’s generally a whole person.
But when he studies the object at which the partial drives aim,
it is usually a part object (breast, food, etc. ).
The choice of first objects is linked to experiences of satisfaction obtained through dependency.
Later, after puberty, the Subject is faced with new possibilities and chooses new external objects built on the model of its first objects,
but moving from the initial affectivity to sexual sensuality.
Freud pointed out the difficulty of making these two radically different domains (affectivity/sensuality) cohabit harmoniously.
It seemed to him that human beings are unable to completely love what they desire and to desire what they love.
It was in examining this disharmony that Lacan described the relationship between need, desire, and demand, and focused most closely upon desire.
However, there is – as interestingly – an undeniable link between love and sexual desire:
the most diehard Casanova (male or female) might admit to being in constant search of a perfect fusion of the two:
and the most cynical people, who insist they would never mix up love and lust, do find themselves vulnerable to ‘sentimental’ emotions.
It should not be forgotten that in some societies which do not have much of a romantic tradition and in which marriage is a social transaction, heterosexual love can be less socially acceptable than sexual desire.
The ease with which the desire for love and sexual desire become intertwined and the possibilities for misunderstandings to arise are encapsulated in the very genesis of both things.
The demands possible in both cases are almost bound to create confusion
– the first, because it can only be answered in the fulfilment of the ‘extra’ of the demand
(the effort put into making a really good meal, rather than just one that will quell hunger),
- 1つ目は、需要の「余分な」を満たすことでのみ答えることができるためです。
and the second because as there is no justifiable need attached to the demand – why should it be answered, except as a proof of love?
 It is not uncommon that it is the ‘giver’ of the sexual favour who is in search of love rather than the recipient,
and unless there is perfectly matched lust on both sides, there is almost bound to be disappointment:
and even in cases of perfectly matched lust, there is room for confusion further down the line because what is ‘given’ so closely resembles a proof of love.
A Modern Lacanian view may be that the discrepancy between love and desire may be examined in terms of their origins in drives.
Love is probably linked closely with the drive for self-preservation and the erotic drive,
while desire may be linked with the erotic drive and the death drive (as manifested in the pursuit of jouissance).
There is therefore an overlap (in the field of the erotic) but also never a complete match.
The genesis of this mismatch is different for boys and girls, because of their different responses to the process of castration.