03 Lacan A Beginner’s Guide

In the beginning was the word
Structural linguistics and Lacan
Lacan’s view was that the characteristic that sets human beings apart from other animals is language: we are speaking beings (parlêtre).
If language is what makes us human, then the fundamentals of the human psyche should be found in language.
Lacan hypothesised a structural mirroring between what we say and the way we think, and even the way our brain is organised:
we think like we speak, we speak as we think.
This view can be taken as far as the neuropsychology of language and it is possible that language bears the marks of the neuronal organisation, or conversely that our neurones are organised in a way that reflects the structure of language.
Lacan’s intuition was that this also applied to the unconscious: the unconscious is structured like a language.
The word itself, ‘unconscious’, requires definition because many liberties have been taken with it over the century since Freud formulated his psychoanalytical concept of it.
Under the influence of other early theorists such as Jung, the word took on shadowy, mystical connotations;
under the influence of the more behaviourist model, it assumed the shape of something animal-like and instinctive.
Lacan was rather appalled by these deviations from the original Freudian model:
‘the unconscious as archaic function … the metaphysicalunconscious of Eduard von Hartmann … above all the unconscious as instinct
– all this has nothing to do with the Freudian unconscious … nothing at all to do with our experience.
I will ask analysts a straight question:
have you ever, for a single moment, the feeling that you are handling the clay of instinct?’ 1
For Lacan, the unconscious is comprised of symbolic elements,
and because we are speaking beings for whom language is the main vehicle of representation,
its building blocks are words,
and its structure is grammatical (an oversimplification which will be refined very shortly).
This is why discourse in the setting of an analytical session is the only way of working effectively with it.
The unconscious is what the Subject represses, and by definition is therefore not consciously expressible by the Subject;
however, it constantly manifest sitself, quite without the Subject’s intentions, in dreams, unsuccessful/self-defeating acts, slips of the tongue, and even pathological symptoms.
These manifestations were for Lacan ‘the discourse of the unconscious’:
discourse, because they always show the structure of language.
Lacan found with the patients upon his couch, that even what they thought of as their conscious speech obeyed a hidden structure:
that their omissions, denegations, ‘forgettings’, repetitions, etc. contained the discourse of the unconscious.
This observation led him to an intense reflection upon what constitutes the unconscious,
the manifestations of which have such a language-like structure.
He approached this question using theoretical tools being developed by linguists.
Structural linguistics and the unconscious
In order to understand Lacan’s view of language and the unconscious, it is necessary to have some knowledge of the work of the linguist Ferdinand de Saussure, who was a great source of inspiration for Lacan.
For Saussure, the fundamental building block of language is the Sign – which was commonly thought of as comprising a word plus its meaning;
linguistic expression is achieved by the selection and combination of Signs.
Saussure’s innovation was to say that the linguistic Sign unites not a name and a thing, but a sound-image and a concept:
he spoke not, therefore, of words and meanings, but of signifiers and signifieds.
Why was he not content with ‘words’ and ‘meanings’?
For a start, words exist in a spoken and a written form, and they can have many meanings;
meanings can be expressed in many ways – in pictures, writing, etc.
The object, a needle, can exist without the word ‘needle’;
the word ‘needle’ can take a written form or a spoken form and it can be uttered in the absence of the object, to which its link is entirely intellectual;
it also has other meanings than that of the slim, pointed metallic object with a hole in one end through which thread is introduced, used in sewing.
Saussure was not undertaking to generalise about semiotics;
he was concerned with linguistics only and wished to analyse the composition of the linguistic Sign in its primary form – the form in which human beings first access it, which is speech, composed of sound-images.
Speech predates writing by a long way, both in human history and in child development;
writing is secondary to speech.
Therefore, it was first of all the formation of signs in speech that Saussure was interested in, and he was aware of the psychological nature of this process.
He emphasised the immateriality (abstract nature) of the linguistic Sign:
thus, the signifier (sound image/acoustic image) is not the material sound but thehearer’s psychological imprint of the sound, the impression it makes on our senses.
Also, the signified (concept) is not the object (the chair in front of you) but the idea of the object
(any chair – the property of being a chair – of which an example may or may not be before you at the time of speaking).
Signified = concept → Signifier = acoustic image
These two elements combine in a relationship called ‘signification’ to produce the linguistic Sign, which is represented in this Saussurian diagram:

Sign = ↑ signified/singifier ↓
The horizontal line marking the two elements of the Sign is referred to as ‘the bar’;
the vertical arrows denote the relationship of signification.
For Saussure signifiers and signifieds are like words written on a sheet of paper, with the signifier on one side and its signified on the other;
they cannot be separated, and yet they cannot occupy the same place.
In a different context, the philosopher Susanne Langer wrote:
‘Symbols [what Saussure would have called Signs] are not proxy for their objects but are vehicles for the conception of objects ...
In talking about things we have conceptions of them, not the things themselves;
and it is the conceptions, not the things, that symbols directly mean.
Behaviour towards conceptions is what words normally evoke;
this is the typical process of thinking’. 2
Lacan must have noticed that Saussure’s formulation of signifiers and signifieds corresponded with terms that Freud had already used in his writings,
and which were not very satisfactorily rendered in French,
where the word ‘representation’ was being used without any discrimination about what exactly was being represented.
The German Vorstellungen allowed Freud to distinguish between the ‘ideas of things’ and the things themselves;
Freud’s Vorstellungreprasentanzen are therefore ‘representations of the ideas of things’ – not ‘representations of things’.
This corresponds very well with ‘signifiers’ (the symbolic representations) and their relationship with ‘signifieds’ (the ideas).
Signifiers and the human psyche
From the very birth of psychoanalysis, the spoken word has had a special importance, being the gateway to the patient’s psyche;
Freud had already pointed out that emotions (affects) attach themselves not to meanings but to signifiers, although he used the term vorstellungreprasentanzen – ‘ideational-representatives’.
フロイトは、感情(情動)が意味ではなくシニフィアンに結びつくことをすでに指摘していましたが、彼はvorstellungreprasentanzen(表象代理) –「観念的な代理物(観念的表象)」という用語を使用していた。
Where Freud linked ‘drives’ with ideational-representatives, in understanding Lacan, the equivalent could be thought of as the ‘emotional load attached to signifiers’.
What is important is that it is signifiers (and not the signifieds) that bear this load.
As a clinician, Lacan was struck by the extent and frequency of disjunction between words and their intended meanings
– how the words uttered by the analysand upon the couch often escaped the intentions of the speaker,
and expressed something not consciously intended.
- ソファに座った被分析者が発する言葉が、どれほど話し手の意図を逸脱したものであるか。
The more he heard, the weaker the links between signified and signifier appeared to be;
and the greater the connection between signifiers among themselves.
Lacan, who liked to use paradox,
sought to highlight the primacy of the signifier in the psyche by rewriting Saussure’s model of the Sign in the form of a quasi-algebraic sign in which a capital S (representing the signifier) is placed over a lower case and italicised s (representing the signified),
these two symbols being separated by a horizontal ‘bar’.
This suited Lacan’s purpose of emphasising how the signified inevitably ‘slips beneath’ the signifier,
resisting our attempts to delimit it.
The importance of the bar is that it conveys the idea of the resistance to meaning inherent in language:
meaning does not simply appear spontaneously but involves the act of crossing the bar,
and it is in this act that signification, or meaning, is produced.
The crossing of the bar
This may be the quintessentially human act:
the intellectual exercise that no other animal performs.
Dogs respond to verbal commands, and numerous studies have been carried out to try to show that chimpanzees are capable of using language;
some have succeeded in training individual chimpanzees to perform linguistic signs in American Sign Language.
However, there is no conclusive evidence that the chimpanzees’ ‘appropriate use’ of these signs (signing ‘toothbrush’ at bedtime) are any more than Pavlovian trained behaviours, accomplished after months of repetition.
The human child needs no training, or even teaching:
human beings acquire language by simply ‘crossing the bar’ in the relationship between signifier and signified;
and once the bar is crossed,
the human psyche is in the entrance hall of the Symbolic realm, with all its vast possibilities.
The notion of a failure to ‘cross the bar’ recurs in Lacanian theory at several points
– the failure to cross the bar of metaphor,
for example, being both an indicator and a cause of psychosis.
But the formulation of signifier/signified has another importance for Lacan:
it also underlines the autonomy of the signifier in relation to the signified,
and it is this autonomy that makes signifiers so highly mobile,
so easily lent to different associations of substitution and recombination,
and indeed so perfect as the building blocks of human thinking,
both conscious and unconscious.
It is important here to note that meaning is given by the association of signifiers in a signifying chain.
The simple association of signifier with signified is far less important,
particularly as this link is not permanent and other signifiers can always be substituted.
This substitution of signifiers becomes enormously complex when the child crosses the bar of metaphor,
as this allows for multiple layers of signifiers to be substituted (as we shall see later on).
The same signifieds may therefore be represented by a vast array of different signifier chains;
したがって、同じシニフィエは、膨大な数の異なる「シニフィアンの連鎖」(signifying chain)によって表される可能性があります。
for example, the idea of failure or impotence may lurk beneath the bar of a range of different signifying chains:
たとえば、失敗やインポテンスのイデアは、さまざまな異なる「シニフィアンの連鎖」(signifying chain)のバーの下に潜んでいる可能性があります。
‘I did not get into Oxford or Cambridge’,
‘She was not impressed by what I said’,
or ‘She manages to live on very little’…
The associations between signifiers and their high mobility allow for the immeasurable complexity of human psychological functioning, both conscious and unconscious.
The making of the unconscious
The newborn, in a world of primary functioning, has no unconscious and a limited consciousness;
unlike Freud and many psychologists, however, Lacan did not think that the baby is simply a set of drives and physical needs.
For Lacan, the baby, born with the human potential of thinking, does from the very start display a kind of proto-thinking:
it forms concepts and hypotheses from its earliest days.
Its very first concepts are based upon the dialectic of comfort/discomfort, presence/absence:
it recognises a change in environment if mother is there or not, and then, by means of facial recognition, forms an idea of mother
– a signified, with the glimmer of signifier attached to it, even when the baby is unable to pronounce ‘mama’.
Other signifieds are formed in a similar fashion, they already have proto-signifiers for the baby, and await the signifiers designated by language to be attached to them.
And yet, even before they have become represented by a socially recognised symbolic element, these signifieds already have some power, and can be thought of as unexpressed concepts.
It is this ability to think that makes the pre-language baby able, for instance, to find humour in situations:
one has seen a baby laughing uproariously at the sight of a helium-filled balloon bobbing about against the ceiling
– the baby has already formed a conception of the law of gravity, which the balloon is disobeying.
- 赤ちゃんはすでに、風船が背いている重力の法則についての概念を形成しています。
The proto-conceptualisations of the newborn will be discussed in greater detail later on in the book;
for now, what is important is that it is the acquisition of language that allows the human infant the possibility of conceptual representation within the framework of human society,
and the possibility of a far greater subtlety and flexibility in the elaboration of abstract ideas.
From the point at which the baby or small child begins to formulate its thoughts in language, there is the possibility of the creation of the unconscious.
赤ちゃんや小さな子供が自分の考えを言語で形式化し始めた時点から 、無意識の創造の可能性がある。
There comes a moment at which for the first time, a thought occurs which is unbearable to the child;
and for the first time, its psychic apparatus represses it.
And what does it repress?
The signifier with which the thought was formulated.
For Lacan, there are no signifieds in the unconscious, only signifiers.
If there were signifieds as well, then the meaning of any particular signifier for a Subject would be quite rigid:
a signifier (and its emotional load) would remain immovable, attached forever to one particular thing and not be transferable to another.
Fortunately, this is not so, because if it were, then a signifier, once repressed, would be evermore irretrievable.
For example, because at a certain moment, the idea of ‘loss’ may be unbearable to the Subject,
the Subject would never be able to use the word ‘loss’ in conscious speech again.
This would be a very rare occurrence and a sign of psychopathology.
In fact, what is repressed is usually a configuration of signifiers (a signifier in a certain relationship with other signifiers);
this means that the signifier itself is still accessible in other contexts.
Only in extreme cases is a signifier completely erased – this process is not repression but foreclosure.
In the unconscious, signifiers may also come apart into their constituents, sometimes down to individual phonetic elements (the letter-sound).
These elements recombine into new signifiers;
and perhaps these new signifiers might recombine into new chains.
Lacan held that the letter-sound, as the smallest part of a signifier, was the smallest recombinable element;
the first letter-sound of a signifier is particularly important, as any child would recognise:
a six year old who has just learned to spell his/her name will attach a special significance to the letter with which it begins.
This primary repression creates an aspect of the psyche which is inaccessibleto consciousness – the unconscious.
Rather than the topological representations used by Freud,
one may think of the unconscious as the force field that orientates the molecules of a liquid crystal,
where the molecules are the signifiers.
The analogy of the liquid crystal is useful when describing the relation of signifiers inside the unconscious:
they behave similarly to the molecules in the crystal, forming bonds between themselves, and under the influence of some energy-source, freely slide over one another to form different bonds with other molecules within the crystal.
In the unconscious, signifiers develop the same type of relationship between themselves as they do in the conscious psyche:
they form themselves into the ‘signifying chain’.
The unconscious is not within the Subject’s control or even view,
but it acts in spite of the ego,
constantly throwing out signifiers that the Subject has repressed.
It is at its most unruly in small children.
The elements in the unconscious are the signifiers that represent wishes, desires, fears, and images.
The act of repression may bury the signifier linked with an unpleasant affect (emotion), but it cannot bury the affect.
After the signifer is repressed, the now ‘orphaned’ affect roams free in the psyche, seeking another signifier to which it may attach.
This forms the basis of Freud’s theory of displacement:
the ‘roaming’ affect may take, for example,
the form of a feeling of worry or fear which the child attaches to some other signifier (maybe spiders or baldness),
becoming worried about or fearful of a thing which was never the true cause of the fear.
The re-attachment process itself is not random
but controlled by a signifying chain formed in the unconscious,
and this is why it is possible in analysis,
to ‘source’ the re-attachment of the affect to the apparently nonsensical object,
by a work of retrieving the repressed signifying chain from the unconscious.
Lacan held that in the signifying chain, any one signifier has meaning through its connection with other signifiers, through its place in the chain.
An anorexic girl may say:
‘I just want to be thin’,
but in her unconscious, thin is the end of a long associative chain – in control,
happy like when I was seven, pure and powerful as that child, not with this fat, these blobs,
it’s embarrassing …’
It is by bringing into conscious speech the links of this chain that the patient can move further and further towards the core of his/her Subject
– for the chain will go on a long way beyond those very few signifiers given in the example.
The development of a discourse may take place along two different semantic lines:
one topic may lead to another through their similarity [metaphoric way] or through their contiguity [metonymic way]. 3
Signifieds derive their coherence from the network of signifiers.
The chain of signifiers governs the set of the signified,
and words derive their full meaning from their association with others.
These associations are performed by means of the two primary processes of selection and combination:
when we speak we select a certain number of linguistic units from our mental lexicon and we combine them.
These processes are described as the paradigmatic axis (selection) and the syntagmatic axis (combination).
これらのプロセスは、系列的な軸(選択)(A, A', A'', A''', etc. )および統合的な軸(組み合わせ)(A--B--C)として説明されます。
The axis of selection concerns the system of language (langue) in that it entails lexical choice,
while in speech (parole), the use of chosen lexical terms depends on the axis of combination.
選択の軸(A, A', A'', A''', etc. )は、語彙の選択を伴うという点で言語のシステム(言語)に関係しますが、
The existence of these two axes can be inferred from the different clinical manifestations of aphasia – a neurological disorder that affects the speech centres.
There are many types of aphasia, of which the two most classic seem to demonstrate the existence of the two axes of linguistic association.
The first involves individuals who cannot access words,
that is, their ability to select from the lexicon of linguistic signs is affected.
つまり、言語記号の辞書から選択する能力が影響を受けます。(A, A', A'', A''', etc. )
If, for instance, they wanted to tell you that your hat was on the chair, t
hey would not be able to find the words ‘hat’ or ‘chair’,
but might be able to convey that ‘Your thingy is on the thingy’.
In this kind of aphasia, one might postulate that the paradigmatic axis has been affected.
この種の失語症では、パラダイム軸(A, A', A'', A''', etc. )が影響を受けていると仮定するかもしれません。
In the other form of aphasia, the individual can access the words but cannot combine them:
they would be able to name ‘hat’ and ‘chair’,
but not come out with ‘Your hat is on the chair’;
this suggests that the syntagmatic axis is affected.
Metaphor operates along the axis of lexicon (paradigmatic).
A metaphor is a figure of speech in which a name or descriptive word or phrase is transferred to an object or action different from, but analogous to, that to which it is literally applicable.
Thus, it is a stylistic figure based on relations of similarity.
Metaphor consists of referring to something by the name of something else.
For example: a star is born.
This metaphor consists of a linguistic sign, ‘star’, which consists of the signifier ‘star’ and a signified, which is the concept of a person who has the properties of brilliance and of high rank.
But there is no mention of a person, and the signifier ‘star’ could anyway have a number of different signifieds, including a celestial body of great mass and energy, or a five-pointed shape.
In order for the listener to understand the metaphor, a number of mental operations must be carried out.
Firstly, there must be a selection of the correct signified associated with the signifier ‘star’
and an expulsion of the others.
Secondly, the listener must insert the idea of a person beneath the signifying bar of ‘star’ in order to form a new signified composed of some of the properties of a star added to the idea of a person.
However, the idea of a person has to be represented, because meaning arises from the crossing of the bar of signification.
This means that the signifier ‘person’ would also have to have been there, subliminally, before being deleted.
In other words, for the metaphor to work, the listener must have mentally inserted an unspoken linguistic sign, ‘person’, in a process of several stages.
This is how it would work:

S1 「peason」の音響イメージ / s1 「peason」の観念
S2 「star」の音響イメージ / s2  「輝かしい性質を持ち、高い地位にある人」の観念
(Spoken metaphor)

acoustic image of ‘star’ the linguistic sign ‘person’ is unspoken beneath the bar and when the listener crosses it she/he links the acoustic image ‘star’ with a new signified resulting from the addition of the ideas of brilliance and high rank to the idea of a person:
「star」の音響イメージ 言語記号「person」はバーの下では語られておらず、
s1 + s2 makes a new signified, and S1 is deleted.
s1( s1 「peason」の観念) + s2(「輝かしい性質を持ち、高い地位にある人」の観念) makes a new signified, and S1(S1 「peason」の音響イメージ) is deleted.
(Understood metaphor, created by the crossing of the bar)

deleted(S1 「peason」の音響イメージ)
← S2 「star」の音響イメージ /s1( s1 「peason」の観念) + s2(「輝かしい性質を持ち、高い地位にある人」の観念)
= S2 「star」の音響イメージ/s3(「輝かしい性質を持ち、高い地位にある人」の観念)
The metaphor is now a new sign (let’s call it S3) made up of the acoustic image ‘star’ and a new signified.
This deals, of course, only with the metaphor ‘star’ in the sentence;
there is also ‘born’, which, for a person unable to understand metaphor, might have rather disturbing connotations;
here again, a complex mental operation must be performed.
Lacan’s point is that the human faculty of complex and abstract thinking is built upon the ability of the mind to perform these feats of substitution, selection, deletion, addition,
and the crossing of many bars of signification so effortlessly
that one doesn’t even think about the mechanics of it;
and yet it is worth knowing the mechanics because these very same processes produce the manifestations of our unconscious,
and indeed it is only by understanding these processes that we ever will understand why we think and feel what we do.
In certain cases of psychosis, the patient finds it impossible to cross the bar in metaphor, or to perform the mental acts of substitution, addition, and deletion.
In the above example, a star is born, an unwanted signified such as ‘idea of a five-pointed shape’ might intrude in the mind of a psychotic patient, as might some disturbing image of a live birth.
上の例では、「star is born」ですが、精神病患者の心には「5つの尖った形のイデア」などの不要なシニフィエ侵入してくるかもしれませんし、生きている赤ちゃんのイメージが入ってくるかもしれません。
Even outside psychosis, if the words of a metaphor were taken in their literal meaning or out of context, the phrase would probably be considered illogical or funny.
This literality is normal in young children;
it is also observed in deaf people who, after having been fitted with a prosthesis, start to hear and learn to speak;
difficulty in understanding metaphor is one of the characteristics of some pervasive developmental disorders in children (for example Asperger’s disorder).
Metonymy(換喩) and synecdoche(提喩) function along the syntagmatic axis of language – by the relationship of contiguity between signifiers.
Metonymy is a figure of speech characterised by the action of substituting for a word or phrase denoting an object, action, institution, etc., a word or phrase denoting a property or something associated with it:
Downing Street said, the Crown will prosecute, the pen is mightier than the sword.
Downing Streetは、crownは起訴する、ペンは剣よりも強し、と言った。
Metonymy: S2 is substituted for S1 but they have to remain in a relation of contiguity.
Metonymy(換喩): S2 「Crown」のシニフィアンはS1 「State」のシニフィアンに置き換かわるが、
s2 [the idea of a crown] is expelled.
s2 [crownのイデア]は排除されます。

S1 「State」のシニフィアン    S2 「Crown」のシニフィアン
s1「State」のシニフィエ     s2「Crown」のシニフィエ
→S2 「Crown」のシニフィアン /s1「State」のシニフィエ
Metonymy is sometimes confused with synecdoche:
in synecdoche, the whole is represented by the naming of a part of it, or vice versa:
a day at the wheel,
a sail on the horizon,
I’ll have the lamb.
A sail on the horizon.
The part (a sail) is used for the whole (a ship):

Synecdoche : S2 is substituted for S1 but they remain in a relation of contiguity.
Synecdoche(提喩): S2(「sail」の音響イメージ)がS1(「ship」の音響イメージ)の代わりになりますが、 これらは連続した関係のままです。
s2 [the idea of a sail] is expelled.
The process of synecdoche formation is the same as metonymic formation;
the difference is that in synecdoche, there is a physical relationship between the usual signifieds of the signifier present and the signifier absent,
whereas in metonymy, the relationship between the two implied signifieds is not physical but one of possession of properties
(an intellectual possesses a pen, where a warrior possesses a sword;
‘Downing Street’ only works as metonymy while the prime minister lives there:
「Downing Street」がmetonymy(換喩)として機能するのは、首相がそこに住んでいる間だけである。
if he moved toTottenham Court Road, then ‘Downing Street’ would lose its metonymic meaning).
もし首相がトッテナム・コート・ロードに引っ越したら、「Downing Street」はmetonymy(換喩)としての意味を失うことになる)。)
In metaphor, metonymy, and synecdoche there is a substitution of signifiers;
however, the substitution in metaphor is made on the basis of similarity of properties, while in metonymy/synecdoche, the substitution is made on the basis of contiguity of ideas.
For example, the phrase to fish for pearls uses metonymy, drawing from fishing the notion of taking things from the ocean, although fish themselves are not involved.
例えば、「to fish for pearls」というフレーズは、魚自体は関与していないものの、fishingから海から物を取るという概念を引き出し、metonymy(換喩)を使用しています。
What remains similar is the domain of usage and the associations, but we understand the phrase in spite of rather than because of the literal meaning of fishing:
we know you do not use a fishing rod or net to get pearls.
In contrast, the metaphorical phrase fishing for information transfers the concept of fishing into an entirely new domain,
and uses not the contiguity of signifieds but the similarity in the properties of the process itself,
which may involve waiting, hoping, tentatively casting about…
これに対し、Fishing for informationという比喩的なフレーズは、Fishingの概念を全く新しい領域に移している。
The discourse of the unconscious
The hypothesis that the unconscious is structured like a language is based on the Freudian theory of dreams.
Dream work involves unconscious mechanisms such as condensation and displacement, which transform latent thoughts into manifest thoughts.
The role of these mechanisms is to hide from the dreamer his/her own disturbing unconscious thoughts
– or for Lacan, the disturbing signifiers in his/her unconscious;
but as the affects that accompany the signifiers cannot be repressed, these are often present and disturbing in dreams.
Condensation involves the process of creating a new ‘idea of a thing’ by means of joining up other ‘ideas of things’:
for instance, a character in a dream may be a composite of ideas of other characters,
or even the idea of a character and the idea of a thing.
However, because there are only signifiers in the unconscious, the linkage of the signifiers belonging to these ideas often gives a surreal result.
Displacement is the process in which an affect linked to an idea is detached from it and linked to another one, which has only associative links with the first.
For example, the dreamer dreams of a funeral, but rather than feeling sad or upset, experiences a state of joy.
Something that is the source of happiness is still hidden from the dreamer,
but the affect is displaced onto this other scene, the funeral.
Displacement is often what gives to a dream its sense of bizarreness.
One can easily see how Lacan could take these notions of condensation and displacement into his own theory of signification and the unconscious by replacing Freud’s ideational-representatives (vorstellungreprasentanzen) with ‘signifiers’.
This allows a new step to be made – that of seeking out the connections inherent in the dream by means of the structure of language.
According to Lacan, ‘the dream has the structure of a sentence … of a rebus …
it has the structure of a form of writing [which] reproduces the simultaneously phonetic and symbolic use of signifying elements,
which can also be found both in the hieroglyphs of ancient Egypt and in the characters still used in China.’
Lacan suggests that condensation is a metaphoric process and displacement a metonymic one.
In language, the substitution of one signifier for another in a metaphor takes place between two terms with a ‘traceable’ similarity.
In dreams this similarity is not always immediately identifiable when it occurs at an unconscious level,
but if the analyst working with a patient’s dream expects that some of the chains of words used to describe the dream have a metaphoric and a metonymic/synecdochal structure,
she/he may help the patient ‘chase’ the substituted signifier through the patient’s associations.
A young woman dreams that she’s looking into a big chest full of clothes and strange objects.
She finds what looks like the skin of a monkey but realises that it is actually still alive.
She experiences a sudden outburst of violence and crushes one of the animal’s feet with her bare hands.
She can feel the bones cracking.
During the session, this patient described how she ‘crushed the monkey’s foot’, and tried unsuccessfully to remember a scene in her life in which a monkey or a foot were involved.
When asked to go through the description again, she says:
‘I can feel his foot being broken in my grip … the crushing of his toes … his tootsies’
and suddenly remembers that Tootsie was the childhood nickname of her older sister, with whom she had a relationship of intense rivalry.
In this dream, you can see the process in which her sister, Tootsie, has been disguised as a foot.
The similarity is that the foot has toes, which could be called tootsies, and her sister had a nickname that was Tootsie.
The initial substitution is metaphorical because there is no connection between her sister and a toe;
it has been further disguised by a synecdoche, in that the thing being crushed was the foot of which the toe was a part,
and only through an association did the dreamer arrive at the repressed signifier chain – that ‘she was crushing Tootsie’.
Displacement in dreams can be seen as a metonymic process:
the essential part of the latent material appears secondary at a manifest level;
it is represented by the incidental.
The relation of contiguity can be revealed only by associations, as in the following example.
A young woman has talked to her analyst for some time about her difficult relationship with her parents:
her mother is severely obsessional and her father used his daughter as a confidant,
telling her in particular inappropriate detailsabout his sexual life.
She left home as soon as she could and has avoided contact with her parents for many years.
This is a dream she told during a session three days after a holiday during which she saw her father but failed to talk to him:
There was this man who wanted to kill me.
I knew it.
I was hiding behind a bush with two children, a boy and a girl … trying to protect them.
I went to hide in a building. It was a library.
People were lying on the floor – lots of people, like as if they were sleeping.
I tried to hide in the middle of them, I wanted to melt within all the bodies.
The children were gone.
The man went into the library and without difficulty he found me.
I was not scared even though I knew he wanted to kill me.
So I stood up and stabbed him with a pen.
I felt the pen entering his chest and there was blood everywhere.
He was in pain and the situation looked terrible but I felt relieved.
The people around me did not react at all, as if all this was normal – expected.
The contiguity of the signifiers that she uses reveals the meaning of this dream:
she hides in a library (she has hidden from her problems in books for much of her life), but this does not stop the man from threatening her.
She tries to hide amongst bodies (she had in reality a promiscuous past in which her many, indiscriminate sexual contacts were a way of ‘losing’ herself in other bodies);
she stabs him with a pen (in real life, she did not want to talk to her father;
however, she had written a letter to him, to vent some of her anger – she wanted to hurt him, with her pen).
The man is now in pain, and ‘the situation looked terrible’, but she experiences some relief from her act (as she did from writing the letter).
And finally, the act which sounds so extreme, creates no shock in anyone else:
it seems that it’s actually something that could be considered ‘normal – expected’ – as unremarkable,
in fact, as the sending of a letter.
In this dream, the patient’s narrative is almost exactly a narrative of how she has dealt with the emotional problems posed by her father, and her recent real-life experience,
but omits all the key signifiers and substitutes them with others,
so that it is only in the contiguity of the signifiers that the meaning resounds.
In the unconscious, not only signifiers may be substituted or combined in hidden associations, but their component parts may be too.
For Lacan, signifiers could be broken down into smaller phonic elements, and sometimes, a single letter-sound may carry a message.
At others, phonemes from a repressed signifier may recombine to produce a new signifier, as in the following dream, recounted by a Jewish woman living in London.
There was this really annoying spider – I am afraid of spiders, but this one was more annoying than scary.
It just kept bothering me, and somehow, I had to be nice to it.
I couldn’t just squash it, I had to talk to it.
But it kept getting in my face and annoying me.
It looked, well, not much like a spider – more a little ball of fluff with a dark centre and sort of light woolly hair coming off it.
In talking about it, she realises that the feelings she has articulated towards this spider are the same feelings she has been experiencing towards a neighbour, whom she suspects of having an affair with her husband.
She has described this neighbour as ‘lightweight’, ‘an airhead’, and racist – in a previous session, she said that this woman would have, during World War II, been a Nazi sympathiser.
Her description of the spider describes her annoyance with the woman, ‘a bit of fluff’ to whom she is obliged to be ‘nice’, even though she hates her and fears her.
One can imagine that the signifier Nazi ‘sympathiser’ – how she thinks of the neighbour – could be reduced to the phonic elements ‘s’ – ‘p’ – ‘i’ – ‘er’ and recombined into ‘spider’
– and the fact that this dream is not about a spider is confirmed in the un-spider-likeness of the description of a lightweight ball of blond-ish fluff.
シニフィアンナチスの「sympathiser」 -彼女が隣人をどう思うか- は、音声要素「s」-「p」-「i」-「er」に還元され、「spider」に再結合される可能性があることを想像できます
It is not only in dreams that unconscious speech appears:
it appears also in slips of the tongue, in accounts of self-defeating acts, in denegation (saying the opposite of what you unconsciously mean), in grammatical errors, in people’s choice of subject matter when they speak, and in countless other ways.
Slips of the tongue may also be slips of the pen, or the keyboard, where again, a simple typographical error may be revealing.
The mother of an anorexic girl, who was a very controlling woman,
had great problems in accepting the relationship between her daughter and the psychiatrist,
which is one that necessarily excluded her.
This mother wrote a letter to the psychiatrist in which she sought to influence the way in which the psychiatrist thought,
telling him in some detail her understanding and interpretation of her daughter’s behaviour and emotional state.
Her aggression was restrained within socially acceptable bounds up until the end of the text, which concluded:
‘You see, that’s how the anorexic minx works.’
She had probably intended ‘mind’.
Many of the symptoms encountered in psychopathology also follow this linguistic structure and can be seen as metaphors.
This time, it’s not a dream image that is linked to a metaphoric process but the symptom itself.
For example, a teenage boy has started to regularly pass out at school;
he passes out only at school, never at home, and all medical tests have revealed that there is no organic cause for his losses of consciousness.
During sessions, he starts to talk about the fact that he has become quite ‘naughty’ (rebellious, sexually interested)
and he’s afraid that his mum is going to suffer because of that.
He’s also scared that his father, who travels a lot and is rarely at home, will be very cross when he comes back.
Talking about the episodes of losses of consciousness, he says, ‘When I pass out, I can’t do anything at school,’ and realises that the symptom is for him a way of not doing anything [naughty] at school.
The analyst may use the metaphoric (or metonymic) structure of the patient’s own discourse to try to help unveil the signifier.
A ten-year-old boy developed an irrational fear of vomiting, which was not linked with any digestive illness.
He was old enough to know that it was irrational, and tried to hide it from his parents, who were going through a divorce.
This fear began to overwhelm him:
he could not concentrate at school, was miserable at home, and spent his time making sure he was near a toilet in case he had to throw up.
When his parents finally discovered his strange fear, he was sent to a therapist.
He said: ‘I don’t know why I think I’ll throw up.
It’s just that sometimes, it’s like there’s something stuck in my throat … I feel sick, and I can’t swallow it.’
The therapist knew his parents were splitting up – a fact that was very hard for the boy to accept, that ‘sticks in the craw’:
he entered into this metaphorical structure and asked:
‘What is it that’s so hard for you to swallow?’
– opening the door for the boy’s unconscious knowledge of the cause of his anxiety to be represented in speech.
The symptom may operate at more than one level of anxiety and almost always does.
Before reaching the point of realisation that his parents’ divorce may be at the centre of his anxieties,
the boy had also said of his strange behaviour:
‘I have to be near the toilet because if I throw up, I’ll get myself dirty … I’ll soil myself.’
It transpired that the boy, who was in many ways a model child,
had once had an embarrassing episode of soiling himself when he was four,
which caused him great shame and stress and had provoked in him a fear that his parents would despise him and not love him any more.
To him, the signifier ‘soiling’ was intimately linked with the signifiers which signified loss of parental love:
his parents’ imminent separation might have indicated a loss of love for him as well,
and could have been seen as being ‘his fault’ if he got himself dirty.
彼が自分を汚した場合、「his fault」であると見なされた可能性があります。
The passage between the conscious and unconscious mind of signifiers is constant and banal.
It is not only in analysis that a repressed signifier reappears:
it may spontaneously do so without any help from someone else, in the absence of the need to repress it any longer;
equally, repression may be occasional, temporary, and trivial
– it may cause you to ‘forget’ someone’s name for the ten minutes in which you needed it.
Lacan placed much emphasis on signifiers, but it is important to understand that signifiers are essentially symbolic elements, which in special circumstances may take another form than speech.
Deaf people, for example, use unspoken signifiers, but the same rules (adapted to the visual) would apply for them.
An interesting and productive line of reflection for a clinician is upon the particularities or perhaps even the complete absence of the unconscious in severely autistic children who have never developed any language.
The master signifiers
These are the very backbone of the human Subject;
they are also, perhaps in negative form (in the sense of the negative of a photograph), the stuff of denegation.
A listener with a trained ear will be able, over the course of a relatively short period of time, to recognise the master signifiers of a speaker.
They appear in those declarations that make, when examined, no logical sense to the listener (because they obey a logic entirely personal to the speaker).
They are often repeated, in different contexts,
sometimes so much that they come to constitute a linguistic tic in the speaker,
for whom they have a significance that is nothing to do with the literal signified of the signifiers
(this is not to be confused, however, with that common feature in the speech of children,
who upon learning a new word or a new bit of playground slang, use it ad nauseam).
Before I explain exactly what a master signifier is, consider the following example.
An eleven-year-old girl had been bullying another in her class;
the teachers were concerned that her behaviour was linked with the death, the previous year, of her father.
After a few sessions, the psychologist noticed that she used the word ‘lucky’ a lot,
often in ways that made little sense or in contexts that were fairly uninteresting or inappropriate.
‘I’m so lucky, because I haven’t got to go to the hairdressers’
or ‘There were five purple bracelets and four pink ones, and I’m so lucky, I got one of the purple ones’
indeed, ‘I’m so lucky’ was so over-used that one had to consider the meaning of it.
- 確かに、「I'm so lucky」は使いすぎで、その意味を考えなければなりませんでした。
The girl’s bullying was of another girl who had been put down for a private school that she (the Subject) had wanted to go to, but which was too expensive for her family.
When asked obliquely about this – the school was merely mentioned – she said:
‘I’m so lucky, you know why? I haven’t got to take the entrance exam!’
One can see how the function of ‘I’m so lucky’ is to orientate the other signifiers in the signifying chain into a fiction that supports her ego.
「I'm so lucky」の機能が、シニフィアン・チェーンの他のシニフィアンを、彼女のegoを支えるフィクションへと方向付けることであることがわかる。
If you took the ‘I’m so lucky’ out of the sentence about the school, she would be left with ‘I haven’t got to take the entrance exams’
– which might point up too plainly the painful truth that she wasn’t put down for the school in the first place.
もし、学校についての文章から「I'm so lucky」を取り除くと、彼女には「I've got to take the entrance exams」が残ります。
- そもそも彼女が学校に通わなかったという痛ましい真実を、あまりにも明白に指摘しているかもしれません。
‘I’m so lucky’ is the ‘spin’ she puts on it, and ‘spin’, even if rather too fashionable a term, is not a bad word in this context,
for it describes exactly what Lacan said that master signifiers do: orientate and give direction.
A woman in her early fifties complained endlessly about the behaviour of her young adult sons.
‘They’re really too much!’ was her constant refrain, and was applied to descriptions of almost every action of theirs
– bringing a girlfriend to the family’s holiday home, having a few friends around for a week in the summer
– things many listeners might not consider unreasonable.
「彼らはtoo much!」は彼女の絶え間ないリフレインであり、彼らのほとんどすべての行動の説明に適用されました
It appears that she was always called upon to cater for the needs of the guests as well as her family, and resented this.
Friends had advised her that if she didn’t want to, she shouldn’t do it, but she never felt that she could stop;
nor did she feel that she could enunciate her resentment to her family in any direct way.
In the ‘too much’-ness of her complaints about those close to her (her husband got much the same portrayal) could be heard her own sense of being ‘too little’ appreciated;
身近な人たち(夫も同じように描かれていた)に対する彼女の不満の「too much」さの中に、彼女自身の「評価されなさすぎ(too little)」という感覚が聞こえてきた。
it is no surprise to discover that she had had this feeling of insignificance in comparison with her siblings from her earliest memories.
The truth of her Subject was that she was the one who didn’t matter, who never felt adequately loved, and who was constantly overlooked.
‘Littleness’ or insignificance, rather than ‘too much’-ness was her master signifier, in contrast to what she could pronounce.
彼女が発音できるものとは対照的に、「too much」ではなく「Littleness」や「insignificance(無意味さ)」が彼女の主要なシニフィアンでした。
The master signifiers usually mask their opposites,
or perhaps one should say they exist in a polarised form,
with the audible side propping up the ego and the unenunciated buried in the unconscious,
but constantly pushing up at its opposite number.
Their function is to redirect signifiers in a signifying chain painful to the speaker in such a way that a signifying chain with the opposite, bearable, or even comforting meaning emerges in conscious speech.
They are not new inventions of the speaker;
they have been laid down at some quite early point in the Subject’s life,
although they may assume different guises to suit the linguistic fashions of the day.
In the case of the eleven-year-old girl, ‘lucky’ was laid down as a master signifier many years before the death of her father.
She had always defended herself against problems of jealousy of her older brother (and later friends at school) by insisting upon the ‘luck’ she had in life – ‘I’m so lucky, I won the pass-the-parcel!’ etc.
彼女はいつも、兄(そして後に学校の友達)の嫉妬の問題から、彼女が人生で持っていた「luck」を主張することによって身を守っていました–「I’m so lucky、私はパスザパーセル(プレゼント交換)で勝った!」など 。
– and inserting it in many situations in which to most people the luck factor would seem irrelevant.
- そして、普通の人にとってはluck の要素は関係ないと思われるような多くの場面で、それを挿入したのです。
In fact, the true master signifier was the exact opposite
– ‘lucky’ was the mask behind which was hiding ‘unlucky’ and her deep sense of (imagined) injustice and anxiety that other people had it better than her.
- 「 lucky」は、「unlucky」と、他の人が自分よりも恵まれているという(想像上の)深い不公平感や不安を隠している仮面だったのです。
Upon the death of her father, the sudden increase in genuine bad luck in her life was greeted with a massive effort on her part to maintain her fiction with the use of her master signifiers;
父親の死後、彼女の人生に本物のbad luckが突然増えたことを受けて、彼女はマスターシニフィアンを使って自分のフィクションを維持しようと懸命に努力しました。
and there they were – already in place in the vanguard of her ego, ready to raise their shields when required.
そしてそれらはそこにいた -彼女のegoの前衛にすでに配置され、必要なときに盾を上げる準備をしていた。
The master signifiers are those that, for the Subject, have become quite detached from their signifieds,
but carry out the function of changing the meaning of the signifying chain into one that supports the ego.
It is one of the main tasks of analysis to unmask these master signifiers,
and to bring to light the side of them that is hidden in the unconscious.
This may sound like a terrifying prospect for the ego,
but Lacan never said that the ego had to be demolished for the Subject to be revealed.
Rather, he used a metaphor in which the ego was an edifice built around master signifiers in whose shadow their negative counterparts are obscured.
Analysis is therefore more like the movement of the sun that brings these negatives into the light:
the ego can remain intact, but now we can see the whole thing more clearly.
One of the more difficult points that Lacan made about the master signifier was to equate it with the Name-of-the-Father.
This is not as mystical as it seems, but in order to understand it, one must first understand what he means by the Name-of-the-Father, the Phallus, the objet petit a (chapters 6 and 7),
and also his ideas about the place of desire in the construction of the Subject and its ego.
I hope that this equation of the Name-of-the-Father with the master signifiers will become quite obvious to readers by the end of this book.
※ちちのな【父の名】-象徴界(人間の象徴機能)を統御するシニフィアン象徴界の秩序を安定化させるシニフィアン患者に父の名が存在すれば神経症であり、排除されていれば精神病である。本来、象徴界に属すシニフィアンが父の名排除の証拠となる要素現象や意味作用として現実界に現れる。精神病ではシニフィアンが即自として現実界に現れるので対立項がなく(精神病の幻聴は聞こえない可能性が失われている)何かを言うものである可能性がない 神経症では〈父の名〉が隠喩などのとして導入される。それゆえ妄想が何かを言わんとするものになっている